Ya you know it I know it, if it’s the cave maps and you don’t come out of the caves to fight you are a coward, hell I was playing as Mr. Black and he at least had dogs, where’s our dogs Illfonic?!
Dogs refused to come because of unfair balance.
Dog in Man’s best friend. There could be a conflict of interest.
The top picture looks like a predator dog, the bottom looks like a dumb lizard hybrid.
Hackerii Hacks…program
Why not?. Lesson learned, and if if not, it’s not like he’s got any more front upper teeth to lose?
You haven’t seen deliverance , have you? 😄
you already have alot of dogs
Just active the alarms , and they’ll spawn everywhere
I have not; you run me through it if it’s not too taxing
Just link him to the South Park parody of it with Indiana Jones!
Lol 😆 😂🤣
Doesn’t work they die to easily but Pred dogs are faster, stronger and only someone with a strong caliber gun in a f.t squad could take it down
I would probably get banned 😆
Well , one of them has a perty mouth…and one has a sore ass.
Sadly the actor died who had the sore ass , ironically he was in a lot of movies and when he passed some online articles used a pic of him with his pants slightly down to announce his passing. Pure disrespect
So what you’re saying is that even if the guy doesn’t hurt himself again, he’s still a liability cause he can huet someone else.
The line between humour and disrespect is kinda blurred today