Can anyone post pics of the new pred masks? Thanks

Please post here.

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Ugly as hell for my taste. So many options to get inspiration from wasted

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I like the first 2. Lil more tribal which is a good change from the vanilla ass masks we have had so far.

WTH is going on in the mask design department? I can sort of see the appeal of the 2nd one, but the other 2 are utter garbage.


They’re all unique. The second one looks like one I’d use on the elder. The first one looks like a good berserker mask. And the last one looks like either feminine or a mobility scout mask.

Definitely going to be rocking that 2nd one. It is super clean and looks very original.


These 3 already look better than most of the ones we have already.

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They all look better we should have originally gotten tons of badass masks like these :)


Its a shame tho. In the artbook there are so many more awesome designs of mask.


The first mask looks alright, kinda cool.

The second mask looks really cool.

The third mask looks alright, would probably look good on a female predator.

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Uh guys… These masks are really fucking big. Almost like they are meant to be on a super pred head.

They don’t look that big tbh but then again I haven’t even opened the game yet but it looks about the same size as the default with its big ol’ forehead.

From the back you can see theres a huge amount of space where the top of their head would be. It doesnt sit on their head at all rn

You know what? Now that I see them coloured they re not THAT bad, not all of them. Still pissed that they’re not remotely on the level of the official ones but yea.


You might be onto something. Especially the arthos one is huge

Vex - Falconer type
Ravager - Tracker type
Arthos - Berserker type

Basically what I was thinking.

Oh shiiiit they do kinda look like those mask. Oh God please give us the trio Illfonic. Give us the AvP brothers too!

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The smooth mask actually doesnt look too big. Its just the other two

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