Can we get justice for NET GUN (COFFEE'S NET GUN)

Okay… well i will be honest with you… the net gun is in my mind the most useless piece of equipment for predator in THE GAME same goes with the bear traps but i personally see no point on doing this re-work for the bear traps… might do in future unless someone does it before me but yeah ill focus NET GUN in this one.

Okay lets get started shall we,
so we are all aware how net gun works from the movies… i will try to make the net gun based on the AVP 1 movie.

REASON FOR THAT IS: In AVP u get a trained soldier in the movie who cant do shit and gets pinned down while others try to help and they cant.

Okay so… if you haven’t already do re-watch this scene if u don’t remember how it went down…

In the scene we observe few key things:

  • A trained soldier gets pinned down easily

  • A trained soldier can’t do anything except remain the position he got pinned down and shoot his gun to alert his team

  • A trained soldier can’t get out of it at all on his own

  • A trained soldier is in pain

  • Others from his team come to help but they cant get him out

Okay moral of these key things is the fact that net gun is a part of predator alien tech that can’t be destroyed properly unless used a material that counters it right… which comes down later in the movie a xenomorph is able to get out if cause of their blood is acidic…

Now i want to talk about my vision of how the NET GUN should work in game.

  • Player should be totally pinned down and can’t break out of it

  • Player should have his health go down slowly each second the longer he spends in the net

  • Others should be able to break him out of the net but they take electrical shock damage when they try and cut it to get him out. (reason for electrical shocks is simple as in the movie we see him just dying as nobody is able to get him out of it, so i thought cause its the game they should get him out but they should be hurt as they try to help him kinda)

  • Net gun should be able to pin a player on a branch if configured that way so the player hands from it

It only comes with two shots and is high cost gear.


I would argue to make it 4 shot and high cost gear honestly lmao…

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7 shots. Does constant damage and needs a teammate to get you out of the net

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Either 6 or 8 just to make it like go the order " 2 4 6 8 12" XD

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How about different versions of the net gun.
Some stronger, some weaker.

Over all the net gun does need to be stronger.
But to have it extremely strong would be a bit too much if it stays how it is.

I just want it to take no less than 3 secs to break free.

But, the base bet gun should be a free item pred always gets in his arsenal.
Same with decoys and motion trackers.

So, to add on to this,
Combining it with one of my old ideas.

Pred gets his gear to be a bit better.
Harder to destroy and break out of.
By 2 seconds.

We add different tiers.
And the stronger ones cost points, have a mid, and high tier.
The higher the tier, the stronger it is. And more effects it has.


6 and 8 with large pouch

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I’ll be honest… i despise how people are able to get out if and still move while its burrowing down in their skin lol… they did the net gun overall dirty…

I will say this… both variations shouldn’t involve a player who has been net gunned to break out of it himself…

How about they keep the current one and just like make it more meaningful… and make like a “multi-purpose net gun” that is gonna cost more… have the max killing lethal factor to it… can be used to trap people on tree’s and have like less ammo to it… it should be like unlockable at like 150 lvl… or if they increase maybe lvl 200

But if it cost a lot then I wont be able to use it.
I’m already against turning into gear.

I do want the tier system I’m talking about tho.
It goes hand in hand with my mod idea.

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As much as im againts it costing a lot… it would only make sense so people dont get fucking triggered and then start another riot to the devs saying #NERF PREDATOR… for what for making him an actual hunter lmao… its all BS…

As much as i want like more gear equipment to be like 5 instead of 3… i doubt it will happen really… the predator should have as much as possible GEAR honestly that should not give him any sort of too big of an advantage to win… rather give him this out of the box fun factor gameplay.

So i have this friend that worked for evolve devs n shit… she said the reason the devs for predator might not wanna do all this is cause people would play predator even more which causes like longer que’s… well yes but no… i will gladly take that sacrifice if they make like missions take actual 10 minutes instead 3 minutes with a speedrun… the match however should last up to 30 min with fail safe if they cam the predator is able to track the high temperature increase in that area that people might be camping there and trolling as their last resort to survive.

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I would say 4 weight so every pred minus the scout could potentially use it while still having heals is not to bad.

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I shit u not if the devs just decided to give predator like this fun factor people wanted him to have since the beginning, playing PREDATOR would be the most fucking dope experience ever and on top of that with all the ideas for RNG… variety in like mission objectives n shit… the better and more realistic target isolation system… it would actually like give u the true hunter experience which is predator…

It should be so you can use healing syringes + audio decoy + the better net gun

On most predators that is… the tankier ones obviously this would be way too op and would most deff cause an RIOT among the players…the devs would be forced to like please them and nerf the fuck out of the whole gear system… we dont want that do we…

so lets say… scout should have his gears not touched he can equip like max gear items to use… hunter and jungle hunter and city hunter like predators should be able to equip upto 4 gears but with meaningful gear items like that new net gun… upto 3 gears… and like tankier predators should be able to equip only 2 gears and upto 3 gears max if its smth like audio decoys and stuff that does not really scream IM GONNA KILL YOU directly.

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So 3 weight? Mhmmm maybe. I would say make the net gun weigh 4 and then change the wrist launcher to 1 so mosy preds can use the heals, net, and wrist launcher.

I see your point about audio decoys so idk maybe

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That sounds like a good start really… and then see how people react… cause ill be honest lmao… i miss my shots its 50 50 with a wrist launcher… like i dont use it from like melee range… ill use it if im on a building and they run away from me… when it should be used i guess to blind someone n shit… but i use it to like to scare people mainly lol…

and this is why i hate to say it but the gear item limit they have rn sucks for people like me and @Fire and probably majority of die hard predator culture fans… like the DEVS totally ruined the predator of what he should be… they made him this upgraded fireteam member that relies on PVP only and like this broken target isolation that takes no skill to use lol…

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That goes out the window tho.
Make pred stronger, ft can then have more toys and cool stuff,
Meaning ft will be funner.

Having a weak pred limits ft to the point of being boring.


Like i legit use audio decoys to scare people but lately i have never used them in past 50 games ever cause there is no point, no time

The way i play predator now is just try to abuse the game which devs made it possible by like knowing which mission objective they will be going to considering what location i have been given to me as a predator…

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Yeah I find the gear to be useless, unless you are just toying with potatoes

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I mean thats what we see… but majority of basic humans including the devs see it as a bad thing to have predator this side who haves all this cool tech that actually should be made so it takes skill to use and patience… so they might see it boring… this is another thing im trying to figure out which is…


Well the answer is simple… almost all basic gamers who just want to like game and have fun look for most simple fun factor which is fireteam and shooting…

predator should be re-designed to the point where his tech takes like so much patience and skill to locate the fireteam where people would just play FIRETEAM than PREDATOR.

This is my final conclusion on only way they can make predator be fun for people who want to play him for what he truly is

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Exactly… and the thing I’m trying to do is make it seem more fun and enjoyable for people to toy around with their prey without harming them to the point where people RIOT, LEAVE, be toxic af and racist in VC…

The gear, perks, weapons for predator should be made to be very very LETHAL if you know how to use them properly

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