Can we just delete or turn off aim-assist on PS ?!

I know there are alot of more important bugs or issues rn in the game
But seriously , who needs aim assist for killing pigs or AI units ?!
Sometimes I can’t even shot Fireteam or Predator because of that little useless Aim-Assist
Its really funny when you trying to shot at the predator and suddenly a pig start running to your Fireteam or an AI spawn right infront of your face and destroy your hipfire shot
And also as predator , if you try to shot a Fireteam near another Fireteam with bow or a range weopon , the aim stuck between two Fireteam and it doesn’t let you to kill the Fireteam you want !
Just add an option to turn it OFF-ON



Git gud

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Finally someone backed me up on this.
PC players always think aim assist is a leverage when i’s definitely not.


So many of us have said this, ALL the way back on ps3.
You’re late to the party. All of you are lol.

Definitely true if the benefits don’t out weight the detriments. The assist in this game doesn’t even stick to the predator and does nothing beyond 45m


Remove aim assist on pigs and AI.

Increase the AA to Halo levels on uncloaked pred.

There, I saved public lobbies. Potatoes only exist half the time now.

Hmm… wrist blades nerf.



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Love the new avatar


Thanks to @REYNOSO_FUA11


I’m always ready to make a demonic possum for melon purposes.


And when it actually sticks to the Pred, it is so close you want to shoot at it’s mask and it goes for center mass.
Nerf Pred
Buff Aim Assist.

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It’s not really sticky, it’s just the auto rotation, like with the boars. Why do boars even have aim assist anyway? There’s never any reason to shoot them.


Oh but it does. When a Pred is meleeing a team mate of yours next to you and you can easily shoot at his mask, aim assist goes for center mass, you have to compensate if you wanna keep aiming at the head.
It’s even worse if an AI is in the same line of sight, the aim assist goes for the AI.

None of that sounds like my experience or in line with the limited testing I’ve done, but maybe I can experiment with this again soon.

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It happens a lot with me.
The only time i find it useful is when a potato Pred decides to powerslam right in front of me and all i have to do is hold the trigger. But it happens once in 1000 matches.

Some PS people are asking for Aim assist. Some PS people saying to remove it! Wn’t you PS people get your shit together!?!??

Belongs in feedback