Can we please get a 3v8 mode?

I think this could help spike players interest, and it allows more people to play on the predators side. With all the equipment, and specializations available to the fireteam, this could be more easily be playable. It can be super simple, just remove the bots, just fireteam vs yautja (like the 2010 predators movie). Hang some skinned bodies in the trees to make the maps feel abandoned lol. The fireteams objective can be to collect randomly placed relics around the map, once all the relics are collectd (I was thinking a point threshold of 1000 each relic being 50 pts, so 20 relics for 8 fireteam to search, however you want to work that out), then reach exfil, 1-2 reinforcement count for fireteam. Predators play like normal, they get 2nd chance, but only the last predator gets to detonate the bomb.

Instead of helicopters, maybe they could get dropped off and picked up by an APC? Just a suggestion, would be easier to seat 8 characters for an intro. Just an idea, I don’t care what you do, I just want 3v8.

I know some people are going to say “3 v 12 would be more evenly matched”. But without bots in play, and if enough fireteam members focus fire on 1 predator, thats an easy out. Plus if fireteam gets reinforcements. Besides, 8 players would be a lot easier for servers to run, and it would make this game mode more likely to be possible.


Right off the bat, predators should be limited in weaponry by some random design of some kind of hunt strategy (nest defense/chaser/ and support). Otherwise, yes it will be OP for real anyone who plays this game will know.

A 12 FT member group would be strange to see but you can tell 3 of them will go off course for whatever reason.

3v8 is too light. The preds wouldn’t have a hard time

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3v12? Three opposing teams of 4 against 3 preds cooperating

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not if they work together

This is a game changer for real!

I just honestly don’t think they could run a 3v12 which is the only reason I’d pick a 3v8, but if its possible, that could be epic, but what about reinforcements? Is that still fair?

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If at some point a cinematic camera is installed after death for one to peruse the match…you can be damn sure no re-inforcements will be a thing!!

well I never suggested the cinmatic camera… Is that already a thing? I play on PS4

Can’t be typical hunt mode with 15 people. Whole different gamemode probably.

Looking at how much the devs play Clash, I see more FT vs FT in the future than typical Hunt mode. Clash seems like a beta test for Stargazer vs OWLF content in the future and they’re still making balancing changes to it.

Oh, its a thing yet to be a thread. Its all up in *here (tapping at my temple).

If they add a pred team mode and add in limits like clash, then they might as fucking well not even do it.

I dont care if they add a new mode.
But a lot of us, at least the ones that have stayed,
Just want to have a 2v8 or 3v10/possibly 12 hunt.

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If what you say be true, I honestly think this game will die out. Just my opinion, but why even call it Hunting Grounds, as if this game would ever make esports or some shit lmao. If it becomes less about the predator, I for one might consider freeing up some space on my console. I haven’t even played clash mode once, I have other games for multiplayer competitive teamplay, I wanted something unique, a genre of its own perhaps, or so I’d hoped. A shame imo. It took me 5 minutes today just to get into a few games for Fireteam. Some games here and there I get in at like 30 seconds, but then it takes forever to fill the rest of the lobby, if it ever gets filled. Alright my b, I’m ranting. My point is this game is dying, and I honestly don’t think trying to make some downgraded COD with predator as a killstreak is going to save it. They can’t compete with other competitive games, they should have ran with what they had, and built on it, made it better. Just my opinion though. Won’t be surprised to see many disagree.

If they’re competent it would be more like seige with both sides having their own missions w/ predators in the mix (not competing with any other games this way) but may be a stretch for illfonic.

I’d rather two sides be a competitive sort of objective mode rather than the 15 player mode turn out to be an escort gamemode :/

And to top it off the 3 Predators have their own set of missions they need to complete
Idea inspired by Tutorial Discoveries because the tutorial mission now has this

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I’m sorry, I don’t see the relevance here, could you elaborate? Also, I’m not sure what they’re trying to explain

Basically in the tutorial mode the Predator has a set of objects that they have to do in order to complete the tutorial. This list at the end of the tutorial was never there before

What I’m saying is this list could be connected to the leaked game mode called Gauntlet that has a max of 15 players. So maybe the 3 Predators have to do objectives wile the 12 other players try to stop them

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ooh, very interesting. I had no clue there was a leaked 15 player mode. Any links? If not, do you know roughly how long ago you received this info?

Funny you should bring up COD. My wife just got me modern warfare because my cousin plays it. Before yesterday I had never played any COD game. Battle Royale is fun as fuck. And the entire time I’m thinking how fucking awesome it would be to play as a legit movie accurate predator in that giant map with 150 players. Maybe a few preds. So cool.

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A Predators-style battle royale is the only time i’ve ever wanted a battle royale in anything tbh