Hi it’s Slasher and I have an issue. It’s isn’t a big issue but it is starting to annoy me. There’s this cycle that’s been happening, I read the patch note and see something I’d like to try, I load in and go to select the new gear and can’t. I like to play as the FT Scout, I don’t really enjoy playing the any other class, I feel like I’m moving in water.
The Scout has 6 gear points and serette’s take 4… everything that has been added costs more than 2 points, this might not seem like much of an issue but it is to me. From my point of view, things have been added but I can’t use them without playing something I just don’t want to play.
Courier or OldKingHamlet, whoever reads this. I’m not threatening to leave the game or anything so childish. I do think you should know that, I’m not enjoying this part of it though. I can’t understand it and that frustrates me. From a game balance perspective that’s why we only get 3 gear slots, so you can’t have an unreasonable amount of gear, why cap the points outside of a base classes reach?
Am I expected to not run serette’s to use other things, can you honestly tell me that’s a successful strategy for anyone on your team or among the testers?
There’s a number of thing that could be done
Scouts could receive 2 more Gear points
Gearhead, could be changed to add gear points instead of charges
(Players likely won’t like this as the number or slots would limit it usefulness to other classes and they’d lose a heal.) -
The Point cost of gear items could be reduced, more work than simply upping the Scouts gear points.
A Scout Specialization could be changed to give more gear points at the cost of any other bonus.