Can't wait for this DLC

Fireteam are getting iron man

Nah this is just an illustration from marvel now they have the publishing rights for alien and predator not sure if I’m excited or worried about this

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If dark horse stops doing predator I’ll shit.

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I swear… thanos is about to snap and kill preds… smh

Excited. Maybe that avp animated series will finally be able to leave limbo now too.

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Imagine if predator 2021 happens and it has been made by marvel and showcases the best cgi lmfao

People bitch about Disney and star wars when they gave us Rogue One, Mandolorian etc. Bad movies like Force Awakens with bad directors don’t count.

I think it is. Cartoon version of Alien figures are starting to circulate at Wal-Mart. I’ll admit I haven’t done much research into but I found it interesting since there’s no Alien movie coming out or any reason to release these type of toys unless it’s to promote something. Here’s a couple links to a Queen and Xenomorph with Marine.


Xeno and Marine

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These toys scream mid 90s Saturday morning cartoon and I love it.

I think marvel will be doing great alien and predator comics. That pic btw inst a real crossover

This would never happen it would set the balance of the game entirely onto the ft side 😂

Oh great, now Predator is going woke. Disney ruins everything it touches, and Marvel comics have been a fucking car crash of woke politics and pandering for years. This is not going to go well.

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But I thought Predator was DC?

Predator on DC hands? Maybe… If that is the case they could have sold it off. After Disney has taken over Marvel they have started to buy back all the rights that Marvel sold off during their crisis to cover their need of cash flow. Just look how Disney bought a part of FOX to get the mutant rights back into the cinematic universe. After getting Disney as owners they have been able to arm wrestle with Sony about Spider-Man, and I would not be surprised if they bought the movie rights for him back for a crazy amount in the near future.

Dark Horse owns Alien and Predator comics. It says Darkhorse/DC crossover on the top of the cover right above the title, lol. DC was probably more open to a crossover idea than marvel was OR the darkhorse people are DC fans.

Wasn’t there a batman vs predator comic?

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Yup, there sure was.

Or rather , there is , I still have mine.

There was a predator vs judge dredd vs alien aswell

July DLC confirmed!



Nice one

Look for batman dead end it became a cult favourite fan film

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