ChatWheel VS Taunt Wheel

So after playing a match as predator and as FT…i get this…
and after watching predator 1987, some clips gave me this impression:

With the Chat Wheel, the delay which is about 0.80 ms to bring up the chat wheel (i don’t understand why there is a delay) …
but alternatively Predator has a taunt wheel but should be implemented with a quick almost like a DJ like feel. Very quick…almost as quickly as it can get like .20 ms.

Predator 1987 : 34:24 …turnaround…turnaround…all these exeucutions of the voice tracks should be easily and quicker than FT can.

It should be somehow made like a quick button press…to maybe adding a rightclick function to execute…like a CTRL>Mouse Select> Right Click several times more than once…to execute/cancel execute again…