Cheating... really?

Hi there, Captain Jelou here on a discussion regarding a potential “cheating” technique that I am conasidering to develop.

In the age of AI and all its uses, trying to polish my skills regarding automation and just for the sake of experimentation. I am considering starting to work on fully gameplay automation using primarily neural networks deep learning.

My goal is to create a “BOT” capable of “human-like” gameplay.

What are your thoughts on it? Would you, as a predator, feel challenged and curious about facing actual bots that can play (not like the ones in the game)? Or as a Fireteam, what are your thoughts on fighting a Predator Bot?

Just looking for feedback.

Honestly i’d be incredibly interested if you could get one to play the game competently

I recall years ago seeing stories of AI being trained and was very capable of playing games like DOTA2 or Starcraft

But getting one to play a 3D shooter? that would be super interesting if it could

I mean i suppose it is cheating? cause like botting in an mmo is certainly cheating though it’s a much different context as your not exactly farming a resources that can through several hoops have monetary value

But i certainly wouldn’t find it cheating as it’s more of a novelty if it’s possible to do so

First of all it’s not cheating

Everyone knows I’m the only one capable of achieving such a feat of computational prowess

Secondly quite a few players have asked for such a thing so I say go for it but if it takes over the world you can expect a call from my lawyer

In conclusion I have already created an AI companion that will play the game with you and even do some light sexting

Download the alpha test here


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Real AI? Training NN to play FPS? Good luck.

Just to give you an idea what are you trying to achieve on zillion times easier goal:

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Lmao “light sexting”

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FT bots already outperform most “bots” in pubs. 🤣

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