GG Chuck, hope to find you in my jungle again sometime! God bless! Isabelle Meta enough for you Chucky boi?
Chuck the Cuuck shits the bed!
How did you get him to not back out?
Eh, i am an expert on killing randos, not premades
This was not a premade. It was two randoms, a Isabelle with her shitty weopon and Dickey Wickey? God bless!
God bless the wicked for they shall burn
He uploaded an old match
Are the reapers back in the jungle? I want to fight y’all again before I go back into retirement.
Tips and tricks
Hold Circle to cancel pigs animation
Hhhaahha HAHA WOW!
You were a lot braver in your younger days. Foolish but brave. Now you’re smart enough to chunk deuce in lobby ✌🏼
I still wish you uploaded that game where you beat the Rangers on Airstrip. It was only claws which made it even more baffling. Your jubilation was on par with your favorite sports team winning a championship.
I felt happy for you.
“I Fucking did it! Fuck yeah! I’m saving that!”
Yea for some reason recently now it will show him as predator, then poof…he’s not there any more. Pesky connection issues. I blame illfonic for this. Surely we should write emails and complain on chucks behalf regarding him constantly dropping from lobby. Im on the case! God Bless
Is that you Tony Pope! Lol
Haujhaujhauj ha ha hahu W O W