The roar of city Hunter is wrong.
He scream like this in the movie only when he is healing himself at the end, not always.
Its important!! I dont know if someone else report this below but even so… Im saying again… Fix it…thanks.
City Hunter roar. Please fix!!!!!
I personally tweeted at illfonic about this
Theres at least 5 threads a bout that already. You need to look.
When he destroys Harrigan’s shotgun, just after he gets shot and Harrigan removes his mask, he does a really cool roar. Personally I think they should go with that roar as it is almost like a hiss and is very unique.
Awesome scene, smashing a shotgun like its plastic because he is so pissed he got caught off guard 😁 the roar is badass, that’s what a pissed yautja sounds and looks like
Ironically, his best roars are his “hurt” ones, because any other roar is either the same one as JH or one that makes him sound like a asmatic Pred. I would say his roar when getting killed or the one when aplying the gel sounds pretty cool.
But I don’t have anything against the current one, just with the “pew” in the beggining.