City Hunter Smart Disc skin, where is it?

We got the City Hunter and his staff but no smart disc? Lazy boys, just lazy. No dart gun either. If your gonna release a new Predator, then all their weapons should come with them…

Thats because the bronze shader works just fine on both the smart disc and netgun in terms of making them look accurate.

I don’t think the smart disc is any different. I was really surprised that it actually has a slot where its stored on his right leg if you have it equipped. Great little detail.

The one the City Hunter carries opens up from the middle and has more of a square-ish shape to it.

Tell that to the alpha predator

The smart disk in game does that, but good luck seeing it.


To me that looks exactly like the ingame model. I’m just not sure right now if the smartdisc is “open” when you throw it. In the predators hand it actually opens up when equipped.