City Hunter weapon slot system on all predators?

What do you think? And how can it be done? Like, disk needs it special holster, should it be added to all classes, or only apear when disk is selected as a weapon? Also would you like to see the spear/bow on the back?


I’ve been saying since launch I want to see my weapons and gear on my pred lol my combi I want on my bacc next to the eldersword if I have that equipped and my disc I want in its holster net gun on my leg lol


I’m not sure if they even can for the smart-disk.

From what I can tell of the models is that the head, body, shoulder pack, and gauntlets are separate from each other. The accessories look like they might be based on how they flop around on Elder but I think the holster for smart-disk is actually just apart of the City Hunter body model. It would have to be there anyways so it would make sense they’d model it.

One they could for sure get away with is the spear and net-gun since it wouldn’t require a modeled holster. They would just be retracted or stored on the Predator’s model.


It’s on nearly every pred that uses a disc so it should appear when disc is equipped


Armor customization should allow you equip holsters for your weapons.


I can see this being done on every class we have in game just now - they just need to add that part on right tight each time disk is selected from weapons menu


Yes pls lol

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