Cleopatra’s Ancient Disk buff? Indestructable Now!

Unless I’m mistaken but I’m pretty sure Cleopatra’s Ancient Disk got a buff to indestructable.
Many a game I’ve tried to fire bullets to destroy to no success while the old smart disk is still destroyable. I’ve tried searching the forums on this but nobody had said anything yet…till now.

Anyone else notice?

Yea I noticed it a little while ago and asked about it. It is what it is I guess.

oh wait, it only did last year in Oct. not that long ago still but its march now. 6 months

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You can destroy it

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How much dmg would you have to put into it now? Haven’t tested it out too much just had the one go with the doo doo auto shotgun

well from what i experienced the last two weeks it appeared impossible. is it significantly hard to destroy (when its on the ground that is)?

And does using Cleo as a class determine that its indestructable/or not?

Oh i didnt measure it, but multiple fts shooting it can do ot fast

The ancient disk can be broken, the smart disk breaks from one shot from the Savz 50, and the trident no longer breaks.

It is as destroyable as the smart disc initially was. When illfonic buffed the smart disk to be 3 instead of 1, they also buffed the HP of it making it almost undestroyable, making it almost impossible to win against good smart disc users, but they never buffed the ancient disc HP. In patch V3 they nerf the smart disc to the ground making it extremely easy to destroy, but they never changed the ancient disc.

So yeah, the ancient disc has remained as what the smart disc HP initially was, which I think is where it should be. The ridiculous HP buff before was too much, and the HP nerf now is too much as well. Illfonic being illfonic trying to balance the game

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Is about one full clip (extended mag) of the hammerhead (maybe a few shots more, but not much)


can someone confirm? @BeerWarrior66 @JelouGaming @Samhain13

Why would they make the trident breakable? The spear never was was it?

no combistick was never breakable, probably because we only had one

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Won’t be home for a while, but lol

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they potato

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dats so dumn dumb @YautjaSymbiote so dumb dumb dumb

I never really tested if it was destroyable. Will unlikely be able to test until the weekend

Trident is neat if you’re good with combi. It’s one of my favorites now. I use it for pressure more than dmg.