Cloaking QOL changes

The shimmer is too black and white. Either you stop moving and disappear or you move (regardless of how fast you move) and you can be seen fairly easily.

I propose a change to that. So the shimmer increases or decreases base don how fast you move. So crouch walking for exaple (not running literally tiptoeing) has little to no shimmer VS full on sprinting pretty much reveals you.

The audible noises when cloaking need to go. Like…as in gone, removed. It just alerts (and very easily at that) anyone with SOME awareness that the pred is there.

Remove the white VFX when activating or deactivating cloak.Why is that even a thing?

Bonus, remove the SFX when activating IR mode.

Comes from the movie, I like it. It’s more of a transition than just ‘white VFX’.

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When? The electric current swam around it when in contact with water. But I don’t recall a giant white blob of whatever when cloaking pretty sure that never was a thing.

Yeah no clicks are part of it too, the fucking things 8ft tall it’s not stealthy no matter how much you guys complain, I suck as predator as far as I’m concerned and even with all the clicks and imperfect cloaking I still leave matches with 6 and 7 skulls you just learn to work around certain aspects using distance well, getting as close as possible without cloak, using audio decoys just before attack to kinda use slight of hand on them like look here, spotting them without heat vision and so on it took a lot of matches that were over in minutes as predator to start adapting these things but I’ve played enough fireteam to know more of what to expect from my adversary while stalking. Simply put this game is about more then just playing the predator and people who skip being fireteam only end up missing out on vital chances to develop a strategy as a predator

I do like the idea of said predator cloaking which worsens linearly with speed. Realistic, simple to develop and helpful for both sides (as the pred can slow down, if he does not want to be seen easily and the ft can see an attacking pred better); sound fair.