Posting this for Deeznuts—or whatever name he’s using now. Isn’t it odd how even the slightest criticism of you somehow ends with people’s accounts getting banned? I posted the following (among other things) as a reply to you and my account started acting up within 30 minutes hahaha.


" Seriously? The same guy who yells at kids in-game is now lecturing everyone on good conduct? You’re literally on record yelling at a 9-year-old calling him a ‘little f*ggot,’ and when people called you out, you got their accounts taken down. Then, you turned around and gave some self-righteous speech in the same thread. You’ve got zero credibility here.

I am sorry I cannot defend you constantly and went for ammo crates as a priority for a brief period b/c I was working on a new class for once and couldn’t res you like I always have to do, else you leave. "

To those who see this thread here, I am referring to this

So last month, some guy posted a video of Deez cussing out what was clearly a child and Deez, moral arbiter that he is, got his account banned for it. Then earlier this week, I was testing a build that needed ammo so I left team early on to get some. Deez is attacking me for moving away from the team very early in the game. Have some self-respect Deez. You just go around reporting people all day? Clearly you have like (3) accounts to do this with since I can see from the one thread that that you had 2.



You opened a new account here just for this - how sad, bro. Looks like the moderator in Reddit took care of your problem, so you decided to come here. 🤣

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Well, you know, if someone keeps getting people banned on Reddit, I dont have much of a choice do I. Someone is a big puss-cake reporting everyone.

Seriously though, there are entire threads with like 30+ upvotes dedicated to people saying how bad you suck, then you miraculously enter and they all get banned or suspended when you click on their account. I suppose its just a coincidence.

Also, Would you look at that, my account seems to still be up too, maybe the post itself was just taken out (still figuring it out).

Frankly, idgaf what other people that don’t know me think. I have plenty that really know me would say something completely different than what a crowd of strangers would say. And, a video of me telling off a snotnose kid for talking shit after they lost the game doesn’t change a thing.

No one even know the true age of the alleged person who was talking shit to me when he lost, so you can’t say he’s 9y.o., or whatever age. Y’all just using nothing factual about the other person, to make it seem more dramatic than it really is. And, if they had an issue with me saying something back, they could’ve reported it to XBOX and with a little luck had me comm banned, but that never happened.

I know bro’s gonna talk shit, but here’s the videos in question and his reasoning why.

Also I didn’t get banned because of Deez or anything I said, I got careless and logged in on devices that Reddit already has IP flagged for me, I have like four banned accounts rn.

See, you say “idgaf,” but I’m willing to bet it drives you crazy, and I am also willing to bet that’s why all these accounts on Reddit mysteriously go offline after they call you out.

It’s no secret you’ve got at least three accounts on there, anyway. After DEEZKNUGHTZ “mysteriously disappeared” or whatever you made one to comment where you posted shit about Madisyn and then it got deleted and now you go by “Sherbert” or whatever. Dude, you have so many accounts you don’t even create original names anymore.

Actually, the other person’s accounts that were banned I have no knowledge, bc there were mutiple reports on them and their account was suspended, long before I found out. I got an email from Reddit telling me they were under investigation for multiple posts under their account, while they were suspended.

And for the record, I only have the one account.

Lastly, you’re overreaching hard, and you need to take a breather. You got nothing to gain from this.

Oh, sure. Because I definitely don’t remember your account getting banned alongside Madisyn’s, only for you to post a comment afterward signing it off with “-DEEZKNUGHTS” just to make sure everyone knew it was you. Kind of strange to sign off with the same name if it’s all supposed to be one on your account, don’t you think?

It’s simple dude, I closed my original account for a new one. I only have one account.

You and ex070694 are made for each other. You may now kiss the bride.

Nah, man, I’m actually enjoying this. Almost slipped my mind that you were a 1% poster on that original account you had.

So let me get this straight—you’re claiming you didn’t report all those people, get them banned, and in the process, manage to get yourself banned under your original DEEZKNUGHTZ name? What actually happened right after you posted your replies in the thread, was everyone just coincidentally got banned and you just decided to close your 1% poster account to open one with the name “Sherbert” just for the fun of it while some random (who also has a closed account now) was claiming to be you in the attached post by signing off with your old name"-DEEZKNUGHTS."

No one is gonna buy that. No one is gonna believe that you just closed your top account, that you posted almost every day on, had a random say they were you, all so you could be called Sherbert with no reporting involved. But whatever helps you cope.

I only reported the original post, but the OP was already suspended prior to the report, and Reddit probably looked at the entire thread since his account was already under review, and decided to clean house on their own accord. That’s not on me. That’s just karma for drinking the Kool aid and following suit like a pack of “me-too” drama queens in the OP’s thread. That just proves how toxic y’all can be.

I didn’t get banned at all, I closed my account and opened a new account under the same email, which is perfectly legit. A new account name is always randomly generated by Reddit. I don’t think they allow custom names anymore, upon opening new accounts.

No you didn’t. Reddit doesn’t just message random people shit like this. And if I’m wrong, feel free to screencap and post that message. Here, I’ll post mine, I have nothing to hide:

Sure doesn’t add up to me.

Thats a lie, unless its brand new. I made my Reddit just over a month ago, if that, and I picked out my name. Check when my account started. Saying Reddit does not allow you to custom make names is crazy.

Also why would you close your account and then open an account with the same email? Make that make sense. Why even close it in the first place?

The account is relatively new.
Screenshot 2025-03-13 1.24.49 AM
And idk, I don’t see the option anywhere to change the name, unlike my previous account. Now, do yourself a favor and stop prying, bc frankly you’re extremely late to the party on this shit, and no one cares anymore.

All I got is this from my email. Since I closed my original account, I can no longer view the full message:

IDK what you’ve been up to prior, but that’s between you and Reddit. But it seems like your account was under a deep review before I even did anything, and I’ll assume everyone else’s comments in that post dragged them down with you. But I guess that’s the price to pay, when you and others had no grounds whatsoever, to dare make an attempt to publicly excoriate someone on social media.

Well, it definitely wasn’t for a lack of effort. Maybe you didn’t get banned because of him, but he’s out here reporting everyone while hiding behind his family settings.

I play with deez pretty consistently he’s a cool dude from my point of view. Now nobody attack me for that opinion goshdamnit, I’m cool with most everyone of you goobers, I just choose to have no enemies. Except lord schlosser, he gets the 3 shoe beating everytime I see him. As for the video I can’t really think that anybody has any room to judge considering most of us are from the mw2 black ops or mw3 era, I KNOW WHAT YOU DID IN THOSE LOBBIES -.-

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