Combistick Instantly downs my friend in a match, and instakills a random

Yep am that friend that instantly want down

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Lol so a spear throw is basic meta, one of the best weapon combos 1 hit with the spear Throw and 2 wristblade attacks anybody’s dead now maybe it glitched out and you took more damage that’s possible

I think headshots do a lot more as well

Yea I’ve done the spear throw lots of time but it never down somebody instantly just after I do I slash with the wrist blades note am a Pred main so

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Probly did glitch out maybe 🤷🏼‍♂️

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this is all i need to tell you so you’ll understand

damage bolded means that it one shots low hp classes such as recon/scout and assault with no defense perks in the case of down range headshot other wise no one was being one shot you must’ve taken damage from another source unless lag causes the hit of the combistick throw to tik more than once which DOES happen with melee attacks so i don’t see why it wouldn’t also happen with ranged attacks sometimes

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Yes, but my friend was at full health. As Dutch. With the thick skin perk. So I don’t know how you’ll be able to explain that.

If you would have been able to provide a videoclip of this so called “one-shot” i can almost tell for sure that we all would be able to see that there was atleast 1 quick attack followed by a throw to make it look instant.

Combistick damage multiplies if thrown throu two ore more bodies

As a matter of fact I do, I just don’t know how to transfer it over so it can actually play.

Edit: I’ve made a video clip of it so everyone can see it

You’re on PS4? You’ll have to create a YouTube account but you can edit the video to only the moment in question, upload it and post the link

What’s worse is that it acts as a railgun and goes trough multiple people. Headshots are just insane. It should be done down a bit. Keep it single target or reduce the damage if it goes trough 2 targets. Like the full damage it applies to the first and the second gets reduced damage (it makes sense to).

Another problem with weapons like this, is that it gets people to play high health classes, such as myself. If you play low HP classes you get 1 shoot! Even arrows headshots do insane damage on those classes.

Arrow’s headshot is ok because it requires high skill and aim, combi in my opinion is too much, they need to decrease the damage if you hit on the legs. Right now the meta is throwing it on the legs of the ft member, one wriste blade for the down and pick it up quickly to jump away. I won by doing this all of my games against all pc squads on pubs (american, russians , european ecc). Headshot damage can be decrease to 149 in order to not down an assault class unless he got some damage from AI.

If you’re on PS I would see how that skill thing would play a big factor, not so much on PC. The damage is not to high for classes like support, now on a scout… Oh boy… This end up promoting not playing those classes. Considering you can do the trick with running and sliding classes like support have close to infinite stamina. They are just SLOWER, not a big problem in my book. More gear > More perks! Again, my opinion here to.

But I’m talking about is how in the hell did my friend go down with a combi throw at full health and how he instantly killed the random when the random guy never got put into a state of being killed instantly when the random should have been downed. Not dead af.

Maybe some barrel blows up close ti him I don’t know, maybe some AI damage at the same time. Damage is the same for every class and you can find stats to the link above put by a forum member

Aside for 1 even that I will say more below, the spear never drained 175 hp from me. It could very well mean that you’re friend was quickly hit with another attack when he had that flashbang effect on him(so its hard to tell when you’re like that).

What happened to me was that I was running support, FULL HP (just healed up) with the perk for more HP (so 190) and I got 1 shoot by a spear. I even made a topic asking if its possible for it to crit that much. Finally I left it at a bug or quickly getting hit with an arrow after the spear. Like spear throw, arrow hit (not charged). Not idea if a spear throw to the face + non charged arrow can do that much damage but it sure as all hell looked as 1 shoot. Could be a bug. No idea but considering how many times I got hit by it and that did not happen, I just left it at that.

I posted a video and again, nothing else was there when my friend got insta downed and the random literally flopped dead. You can literally see his health bar just go empty.

Yeah, that’s very weird. Had a look at it. Can’t see what perks you’re friend was using but It did look like only the spear was used, I’ve even put the video on 0.25 speed. It was not even a HEADSHOT. It goes trough his legs.
Yeah, I am starting to think its some type of bug. Again, I went down from 190 hp :P

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That sucks. Was just curious. Wasn’t really mad just more baffled honestly. Maybe it hit both his legs which counted as a double hit. Idk. Lol