Comic books

So I recently got back into collecting comics with Marvel’s Alien and thought I’d create a thread where we can discuss all comics

Just blur any spoilers

Today I picked up two new #1s

I heard a buzz around this so I decided to pick it up

Highly recommend it for fans of grisly violence and action

What comic books have YOU read recently??


Isn’t that the one where it’s basically John Wick but as a literal Demi War God?


It’s like John Wick on steroids and it’s great 😂

Like if John Wick had the super soldier serum and wolverines ability to take damage minus the healing factor

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I might have to dabble into it then.

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Question: are you collecting by interest or value, or a combination in hopes they may be worth something later?

I just like reading them

This is the other one I picked up yesterday

Tame for my taste but still a fun read

Looking forward to #2

I still prefer American Vampire and Daughters of the Dark Oracle

Latest pickup

It’s fucking incredible!

It’s about two cryptid room mates that protect humanity from all manner of evil

It’s funny

It’s gory

It’s one hell of a good time

Issue #2 has arrived

Hopefully next months issue will be more action packed

Been a slow burn thus far

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I’m curious to see where they are taking it. They’re certainly got the dickishness of WY down. I’m certainly sure we might see a Earth War scenario if the son gets home with a xenomorph in him.

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