dude, leave the guy alone. everyone has their own reasons to play, and quoting him actually, i remember he one time humbled me down because I was mad about the way Shay plays, he told me “I didn’t pay for her game, and I am no one to tell her how to play it, everyone plays however they want and how they enjoy it.”
So just stop it. Play how you want, let him, me and others play like we want, and whatever. Is not like I’m seeing him spewing toxicity and delirious of grandeur like fairy, fearer and others. Dude is just tired of fighting potatoes on pubs and wants some more challenging matches. If you don’t want to give him that or is boring because he ain’t good enough, well, then don’t do it and ignore it.
But never forget, nobody, absolutely nobody, not one of you, got any better at playing pred and/or ft by being ignored and side-pushed by people who were better players than you. You all got better because better players endured the “boredom” of playing against you. Not meaning you owe anything to anyone, but just remember that. Don’t judge. That’s it.