Concept: The Chaos Update

“Voodoo, this is Zeus. Listen, this mission might be a little more complicated than usual. I’m getting some disruptive “elements” that could mix things up. Stay frosty, Fireteam.”

Chaotic elements make their debut in Predator: Hunting Grounds! Contend with a random myriad of modifiers that add variety and reward to your quick play matches! Contend with sudden heatwaves that drain your stamina faster, elite stargazer soldiers that utilise stolen (but not perfect) experimental predator cloaking tech, or even rains that make heat signatures dulled, but increase footstep track time and drowns out voice chat, night time ops and more!

Surviving these modifiers not only a refreshing challenge, but increase your EXP/Veritanium yield by 5% for each addition (up to a maximum of 15% increase?).

New attachments for your weapons such as flashlights, laser sights, and compensators add to your weapon’s customisability, accompanied by a max player level increase to 175 and a handful of fancy new weapon shaders! Floral pink and purple shotgun, anyone?

Would this be a good update to the game? New customisation options, modifiers, attachments and level caps would bring a breath of fresh air to the game, as well as provide a challenge for those willing. Sure, you may have completed the missions to the point you know the pyramids like the back of your hand (oh hey, that’s new!) But have you ever tried to stand your ground with your comrades at night while a storm rages around you, unsure if the predator is already behind you?

Please do let me know, as I’ve been working on this concept for several weeks now.

Yes gimme now

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So RNG? You mean the single worst mechanic you can add? I’m assuming when I say everyone hates losing because of random generated stuff, I’m not lying

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It would be put down to a vote at the start of the match. Do you want to enable chaotic modifiers? How many? Etc.

Then you are the predator and get outvoted and it fucks you over. This could just be a separate game
Mode outside of quick play

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I want these mission modifiers

It could be something similar to DBD and everyone can choose to offer up a modifier.

Again the FT would just choose the good ones lol

When I first saw this comment and what I thought lol

Well, they’d most likely be random, and there would be ones in favour of the predator.

Ok as seperate concepts, doesn’t make much sense in execution - losing because you got the smartdisc cloaked stargazer spawns instead of rain lol. Win conditions shouldn’t lean on RNG elements if your game involves one team competing against another. Literally winning because you’re lucky or people outvoted you.

Vote here to have a 25% chance of being struck by lightning and a 10% chance to randomly trip and drop your weapon

No thanks

Modifiers are already there for custom matches

However different enemy types would be welcome

As well as night ops and variable weather

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