But now they have to choose between medkits and those tools…oy vey…

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Anti cloack is still garbage because you can just change position, the anti cloack effect should be increased.

I was easily able to keep spotting up and keep the pc pred off my team

You are only trolling like renegade, dhrauta and thebrokenone77 right now with these provocations. It’s not helpfull to the community by doing this. Also I dont really care I use every thing in this game , I can play also with first pistol, this is not the point. The game should be skill based for pred as well as ft , this cloack change is too much. 150 meters and it’s fine.

A damage change can help pred to express him self, this cloack change didnt promote skill and positioning. Now noob pred = good pred. No difference.

Lets be really honest. There was no cloak before.

Now you cant see pred… everyone is like aw man

not wrong last patch i was basicly playing uncloaked against premade FT team because its was more easy to hear and to see :/

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I will post 5 videos later today on ft and explain its fine

i will not say its “fine” but its a bit too strong rigth now, seeing the predator at 75/100meter would be more fair

No, I’m not trolling. I’m on PS4, I main FT. I just played a match I could easily see the Predator when he was cloaked running around us at Stargazer helipad camp on Derailed, so people saying he’s totally invisible must be blind. The shimmer was noticeable.

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I can see them… i dont get it

I’m waiting for a friend to get home, and I will make a video from PS4 perspective so we can end this fuckery once and for all.

It sounds like a ft crybaby session

So the ft was bragging about 2 v1 preds… now the cloak works and there like nerf it?

And also bragging about finishing objectives in 5 min

I kinda like this new cloak because it tends to keep preds away because they know if they get close they’ll get spotted. As FT now you have to be moving and running all the time, you can’t stand still, so it gives you the sense of being hunted. My only issue is with the plasma caster being able to do so much damage even if you jump to try to avoid it. Also, parry feels almost impossible now. I’ve gotten downed so many times because I wasn’t able to parry. Pubs is way harder now I think, but premades communicating is still in favor of the FT.

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The cloack is not fine, if you want to male the Predator stronger you can change a lot of things. That one only made Predator Hunting Grounds like a single player against bots that cannot see you. If the game it’s fine for you , then I dont want to convince you. This is your opinion and this post is mine. Hope devs will read my point of view and also play with me and my teamates once.

its more likely because some weapon of the FT are basicly useless now, sniper is of no use at that point expect if you are a pro of no scope at close range, that the only issue so far in my opinion.

Is in favor of the fireteam because of wrong things, like missions being too fast , reinforcements ress you with everything back, damage is too high and the Granade master can take 25% of your hp with only ome granade and Yautja Bane. They have to adjust these things not the invisibility unskilled at 45 meters with plasma caster perk. They did a good thing by nerfing medikits, cloack was a bad move (talking about full invisibility at 45 while moving).

So they havent helped noobs because I can still snip with quick scope and no scopes. Problem is damage. Not full invis while moving. This is unskilled.