Cool things I would like to see. (XENOMORPH FREE)

Somebody did a custom job on the NECA AVP Captcom toyline.

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Thatā€™s freakin cool. Never got to play the arcade much, didnā€™t have it available at Spankyā€™s (local arcade, such a weird name).

They did a damn fine job, Iā€™d pick that up.

Hereā€™s a secret, you can download it to your phone and play it while youā€™re taking a shit.

Isnā€™t there some wild theory going around, that ties predator and Terminator stories in together? I remember reading it ages ago! But i cant exactly remember how they tied it lol. Obviously it was just fan theory and not cannon.

Yea i was right, youtube have a lot of fan theory videos about it lol

I didnā€™t know that, so thank you.

(Donā€™t play your phone when shittingā€¦ ewww.)

Thereā€™s a comic book too

Whats the comic like? Any good? I know the fan theories, say something like, because dutch triumphed over an alien, in honour of that, skynet used his skin for their terminator models.

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I havenā€™t read it. Itā€™s going for like $200 so Iā€™ll prolly pass on it.

WOW! Thats an expensive comic! Which brings up a pretty interesting question, A who would win scenario!! Lol

DUTCH from predator Or Arnoldā€™s T-800 from the original Terminator.

Dutch, heā€™s fuck that machine up. Then figure out how to survive just so he could show up and put a cap in Skynet.

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IDK but Iā€™d pay PPV money to see that fight!


Watching Dutch slowly work out heā€™s being hunted by himself would be worth every penny.


Not to mention being hunted by the people who think heā€™s doing all the killing.


That would have been a good 80ā€™s movie.

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Boys, guess what? I have Aliens vs Predator vs Terminator. Is that what you guys are talking about?

This it?

another cover :

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I want to see:

  1. Like OP said, Iā€™d like to see savage preds. No equipment but high HP and a different moveset with each melee weapon. They might even have limits on what tools they can use, or have more primitive versions of each one.

  2. tall, lanky preds. I donā€™t know what they would be, maybe the tall Matriarchs I see see in some fiction, or the space travelling nomads who seem larger and stranger after generations in deep space.

  3. Crossovers. I donā€™t need to explain. Xenomorphs, Synths, Terminators, Robocop. I want it all

  4. new armor for preds. Not just exclusive skins for Elders or Samurai, I mean just basic armor. Shaders are ok, but why not style variations? thatā€™s basic

  5. Maps maps maps maps maps


I agree with everything you just said, man.

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