Cool things I would like to see. (XENOMORPH FREE)

More tribal looking predators, like this :

Or the anti - predator task force suit. :

I might add to this post later, if i have more ideas

Edit: Ideas!

Unmasked customization for pred, like scars and eyes and stuff.

Maybe new armor types? Like how the FT has their “elite” class specific outfit thing, I think predators could have the more armored version, like scar, or, less armor, like the tribal predators I was talking about.


I swear to god if someone said anything about aliens I was gonna flip my shit


I can’t make any more DeathSquad pictures unless i do one for Predator…right now I can’t do it. There is no tribes. And don’t tell me a tribe is an orange hoodoo coloured skin, or everyone using Eclipse masks, or everyone using the Omega paint. cuase that would suck.
I haven’t dont it yet so i don’t know yet.

Me too, man. AVP needs its own game, it wouldn’t work if it was mostly centered on one or the other, that’s what I love about AVP 2010.

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I didn’t mean clans, I just meant tribal looking classes, weapons, masks, and paint for predator.

Finally something NOT Aliens, I do like the idea of tribal looking predators too that’s a pretty cool idea.

All very good additions.



Whats wrong with Xenomorphs?

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I agree I would like to customize my Predator’s face.

Absolutely nothing. No downside to adding them other than it robbing the game of being pred only. But fuck that, I would rather the Devs add cool stuff like xenos to spice the game up, make it more fun. But sadly this forum is…what could you say? Xenophobic for Xenomorphs I guess?


Xenophobic? I’m from Buenos Aires and I say kill’em all!!!

Nah but honestly I like this as predator stand alone simply because pred doesn’t get any love. I like the idea of a pure predator game. No xenos please. You can separate xenos from predator lore and make a great game/story/IP and I think that’s important here.

If it was a story game I’d see that as a fair argument. It isn’t a story game though, it’s online multiplayer and needs content to survive and thrive.

Xenomorphs are recognizable and will add new players. They’re also a good starting place for designing other animals or aliens for us to hunt and claim. If you’ve built a drone model you’re just a skin away from having a big cat or bear in the game.

I think they’re coming, the opportunity is to good to pass up.


IF they have the rights. It’s perfectly plausible too that they can have the rights to only the Predator portion of the AVP works.

I don’t think it’s necessary though. You can easily come up with other wild and crazy things to hunt from other parts of the IP or even original designs and ideas. You don’t really need Alien for that.

They’re not terminators.

Let’s face it, the game needs em.

Too many FT are crying how OP Predator is

They want to be one man armies and this is their chance.

FT are now T800 exoskeletons armed with plasma rifles in the 40 watt range, thermal detonators and access to Hunter Killers.

Of course the Predator also gets an upgrade in firepower. Fully automatic dual mounted, plasma casters, plasma sword, high powered plasma mines and plasma rifle for stealth ranged play.

I’m now having visions of a T800 predator…

Is Arnold contractually bound to not play any type of cyborg other than the Terminator? I mean…couldnt he be a cyborg in a different film franchise? Too bad he’s too old to star in new movies like that.

I mean what if the Predator franchise made him into a cyborg for real? But like a cool one…like a Dutch mixed with a touch of t800?

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-Talk to the hand.

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Where’s that from, a toy version of the arcade character?

Actually he’s doing one last Conan

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Yes, I believe he’s in a two pack with Lynn Kurosawa. There are also the Predators and Aliens from the game available.

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