Cop Injustices so know your rights

Anyways, back to the topic at hand and about injustices and knowing your rights.

Did you know that you have rights? Constitution says you do, and do I. I believe that until proven guilty every man, woman, and child is innocent. That’s why I fight for you, Albuquerque!


What I never understood about the argument “if you don’t refer to this man as a woman and act as if he were a woman, he’ll kill himself and it’s your fault” is why is that my problem and my fault? Why does my reality have to be warped for them to keep living? As far as I’m concerned if you are going to kill yourself because someone doesn’t ignore biological reality for you… then maybe you shouldn’t be allowed in polite society one way or another?

I don’t go making demands of other people like that. Why should I have to accept them as the opposite sex if they can’t even accept themselves without constant validation from others? Sounds like a bunch of egotistical bullshit to me. Off yourselves, not my problem you can’t cope with reality and your mental trauma.

Not to mention the pharmaceutical companies love them because of how much money they can make off these people thanks to insurance covering it. 40k for a double mastectomy? 20-30k for vaginoplasty? Plus a lifetime of check ups and returns. Hospitals can make 600k off a single trannie up to a million.

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That’s because it’s a mental disorder

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Yeah but they can’t admit that. They also refuse to admit they made a mistake when they mutilated their bodies beyond repair. Granted many of those Frankenstein doctors don’t give the full story or all the information. So it’s mentally ill people not being able to give fully informed consent, so instead of admitting they fucked up and got screwed over its easier to just groom others into it and shout bigot.

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There’s an obvious solution to fixing these problems but it will be harsh at first and go against the progs ideology.

Slash the welfare state and shrink it into nothing over time. Promote male role models and I mean masculine and stoic role models. Promote the nuclear family which promotes stability and healthy children. A strong family with a male and female role model does wonders for kids.

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Your a visionary! 🤩 you should run for President please 🙏

I’d be assassinated immediately. Since my first order of business would be the defunding and removal of the CIA and FBI, I would remove the federal reserve and go back to the gold standard. Remove the ability for banks to loan out money they don’t have, slash taxes across the board. I would consider any illegal aliens crossing the board to be invaders and jail them for 5 years of hard labor before throwing them back across the border. Any coyotes (the human trafficker variatey) caught would be tried and executed for crimes against women and children/humanity.


Hmmmm maybe puppet president and we just keep using doubles till all the crud is taking care of?

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I like your style.

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But my avatar? Ya I believe in justice through injustice lol

This is horrible


Thats strike 3 right there!

I feel I need to speak up on behalf of @Fire , nobody…nobody drags my friend through the mud like you just did.


Go fuck yourself.

I am no furry.
You on the other hand, love to fuck fish.

Idk why you’re a fishRapist, you fucking degenerate.

The term is actually aqualove, and no i dont know anything about that 🤨


Calling “transwomen” men. Based Biden? I guess they’re women until we need more bodies to throw into the meat grinder for Israel, then they’re still men kek.



Even the thought of this idea is stupid

Its so idiotic. What was he hoping to gain? Even if he did get away, they knew his identity. Would he be in hiding for rest of life? By doing this stunt he bought himself more prison time. Something must be going on in the moment where it’s fight or flight and logic is turned off.

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For sure right lol

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