Could we start over?

@Eshtion, I swear I make an effort to understand you.
When I think we’re on the same line of thinking, You come along and make an Absurd Regression on the Idea!.
Regarding Maps, the Game was supposed to have at least 10 Maps!.
It’s one of the most Requested and Mentioned things on the Forum!.
And Alright, in Current Mode, only 4 Soldiers are selected.
But what does that have to do with New Soldiers being Added?.
In a Post where the Person is suggesting the addition of more Content, Don’t be looking for defects!.
Or wanting Justifications!.
Like the Post!.
Or Worse, giving these nonsense justifications or opinions that do not add to anything!.

Where’s that number coming from

Doesn’t change how much resources it takes to make

Bruh you do realize that’s a new gameode and not just more soldiers right?

I want a FT gear item that nukes the predator instantly killing him wherever he is


Don’t look for defects

Prove that they’re nonsense

“Where does this number come from?.”
Dude, Don’t Act Like an Idiot!. I said this number randomly, with the intention of saying that we could have more Maps than we currently have.
“Does not change the amount of resources needed to do.”.
Okay, so what?.
As a user of the Game, what does that interest me?.
The amount of resources needed to make a new map for the game, does not matter to anyone.
Nor did I quote again what You wrote. But at what point did I mention a New Game Mode to You!?. You do not need to answer.
What would be the grace of making the equipment that you mention?.
Attention: That is Not a Defect or Own Opinion.
It is a question.
I would be trying to understand your point of view, and how it would add to the game.

Every time you are insistently quoting what the Person Writes to put your Opinion, in a line Contrary to the Person’s Idea, it is another Idea that is blanked out.
Mainly here in this Forum Thread. Here is the Feedback Thread. Here, I don’t care what You think. Just like any person.
I expect an Answer with Notes as you insist on doing, from an Official Forum Contact.
Not from a Player who just doesn’t agree with my idea.
If You Share My Idea, Cool!. Let’s talk more about this. Complement the idea. Give a “Like” on the Post.
Now, if you didn’t like the idea, for any reason whatsoever, keep your Opinions for You, or go make a Post putting your Idea and your Opinions.
But stop tormenting the People like that.

Then you shouldn’t of said it

And I could be paid more for my job

It interests you as a way to set expectations

That’s what more soldiers are, a new 2V6 or 2V8 mode

Even Illfonic wouldn’t add more people into a match unless it added another Pred

It would allow begginer FT an easy way out for when they’re overwhelmed by all the things the game expects of you

Then don’t respond

Then don’t respond?

Ah so only be positive

Nice echo chamber your building



I remember a time when people could have opposing views and still be friendly to each other

All this bickering gets us nowhere but further apart





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I shit on your dead prostitute mother



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I would say average whore at best

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They out of office now so I say restart that thread

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“So you shouldn’t have said that.”.
Now there’s nothing missing anymore. You’ll start saying what People should and shouldn’t say in their Posts. I hope this was just a joke.
“And I could get paid more for my work.”.
What work!?. Have You Started Working in the Content Sector of the Game?!. If Yes, it already makes an Ad in the Forum for You to see how many Messages will appear in your Inbox.
Look what you’re talking about!.
My expectations should be based on what I think is Good for Me and might be Good for other Players!. Not in what is necessary for this to be done!.
My God…
You’re Confuding Adding Content with Possible New Game Modes.
Wow, leave this subject for another Posting.

I’m going to skip this part because I was speaking hypothetically. But as you like to quote anything just to say anything, whatever.

Don’t Comment.

It’s simple. If You Don’t Like the Post, Ignore It.
A Post Without Likes and Without Positive Feedbacks is already a clear reference for the Post Owner, which the Forum Members did not like.

Look Buddy, I agree.
But it’s hard not to “Fight” with the other Person when He doesn’t add anything to the Forum, and He keeps acting like he’s some kind of Sage in the matter.

What are you talking about bucko?


If you don’t want the consequences of saying it, don’t say it

There good?

Work in general

Just because “we could” doesn’t mean we should

By that logic we should expect companies to give all their money away

Bruh I see the miscommunication


that confused me and me think you wanted a new mode

You brought up the new mode

Ah yes dismissal

The best way to prove something is bad

When your tired of a conversation

You don’t tell someone else to shut up

You shut yourself up

That’s basic logic

Your conflating disagreeing and not liking

What world do you live in?

No it doesn’t

That only proves a lack of positive reception

Sometimes you need to change people’s mind

Sometimes not a lot of people see it

Sometimes the majority are wrong

Having a stance on a subject=having an ego apparently



Spaghetti means potato

Your argument is invalid

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I don’t believe. You will insist as if you were still right!.
Go Fuck you!.

By this Logic I show that I am not thinking only of Me.
And I show that I want a Game that is getting better and with more Content.
But You Don’t See that!

Oh My God…
For the Last Time, in No Time I spoke of a New Game Mode!.

Of course, by Ignoring what You said, I really proved that what You said is something Bad.

No, this is your Basic Logic.
Which You Don’t Follow!
Otherwise, this Discussion would have already ended.

Ready Then!.
Now, You need to come want to change Everyone’s Opinion and have endless discussions just because You Don’t Agree or Don’t Like the Other Person’s Idea?.

Understand this at once!.
If the person posts something here, they expect to receive Positive Responses!.
From Who Thinks the Same Thing!.
If you are against those ideas or suggestions for any reason, shove your opinions up your Ass, and stop tormenting people’s lives!.

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