Could we start over?

Burn this forum to the ground.

Keep the fantastic ideas.

Reopen a new forum with the base of people that are currently playing the game.

Genuinelly having fun again AND bumping into ton of new people wanting to support the game without the unnecessary frills.


@OldKingHamlet @Courier


Buff FT nerf pred




Iā€™ll still come back

It will probably be for their new game that comes out, well itā€™s been a hell of a ride with you guys, see you in the next life, forumā€¦.thing?



My Friend, I think this is the Best Idea Iā€™ve seen on this Forum in Months.
The problem is, these contacts from Illfonic seem to be so cowardly they wonā€™t give an answer.
Itā€™s depressing not to be heard.
This game shoulded already have multiple maps, multiple soldier classes, multiple predator classes, multiple weapons, multiple gear, multiple customization items, multiple Game Modesā€¦
But what we see are lots of Great suggestions and NONE Feedback from these Contacts.
These Contacts that shoulded be a Bridge between us, Players, and the Game Development Team.
Some things are Tougher to do. Things that need more time to be elaborated.
(For example a Night Map).
And other things depend on Licenses, Contracts and Legal Rights (For example, putting a Character from one of the Films in the Game).
But there are some things that are simpler!. They Just need to Do!.

Thatā€™s straight up resources limits

It does

Does it thoughā€¦? šŸ˜

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What a wholesome thought

The classes are more on the line of actually just being skins if you really look at how minimal some of the differences are. But none the less youā€™re right. Just thought Iā€™d point that out though

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True but if thatā€™s the case then itā€™s the lack of diverse playstyles through classes

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Lack of diverse play styles is due to lack of diverse weaponry/gear


All the guns in siege play the same but ops still play different

Sure weapons can make for different playstyles but you have to be pretty creative with them unless you have RPG stats to rely on

Basically classes are the easiest and most obvious

What was the Purpose of this Commentary @Eshtion?.

For the maps Iā€™m saying thatā€™s not their fault

For the classes Iā€™m saying we already have it

How the fault is not theirs?!.
If Youā€™re referring to the Contacts that are supposed to Bridge the Forum Ideas, and the Development Team of the Game, I ask again: How Itā€™s Not Their Fault?!.
So far, if Iā€™m not mistaken, the Game has 6 maps.
3 Maps came initially in the Game, and along with the DLC Packs, 3 more New Maps were Added.
If we analyze that the Game was released on April 24, 2020, Do you think this is a Sufficient Number of Added Maps?.

And for the Classes of Soldiers and Predators, I repeat the question:
Concerning the Gameā€™s Release Date, was it enough so far?.
Regarding Soldiers, we had the addition of Two Versions of ā€œDutchā€, the Dante, the Agent of OWLF and the Isabelle.
Only 5 soldiers in over 1 Year of Life of the Game.

You said we should have more maps

Iā€™m saying they canā€™t physically do it

We got one for every month till a coupleonths ago

Yes weā€™re good on quantity

Siege only gets 4
