Couldn’t aim more than a 45 degree rotation left to right

I respawned and could not rotate my screen more than 45 degrees, nothing I did could get it to fix itself. Played the rest of the match that way and was a huge detriment to the team.

Lol bear trap xD

That’s the thing I didn’t get stuck in a bear trap, the guy just kept spamming the combistick next thing I know I’m stuck aiming in pretty much one direction. Funny enough I nearly killed him. I died at evac because I had my back turned to both the pred and a dozen heavy AI. I did 4587 damage to it in comparison to my team who did anywhere from 200-800 each.

Filthy Scout with arthritis, it’s what you get for punishing your body with that double time perk😉🤣

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It was not double time that failed me, no it was god! (queue dramatic music) also a spear through the head may have contributed.

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The Spear of Destiny!!

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