Crossbolt gun Lighting Bug - Patch 3.10

The crossbolt gun now sparkles after firing it. The lighting effect that is produced when you fire it, is always on now.


@IllFonic the crossbolt gun is quite literally a giant flare. after firing it, it emits those blue sparkles for the rest of the match when the gun is equipped, even is predator is cloaked

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All it needs now is that yell that Dutch did to call the predator when you have it equipped it πŸ˜†. Joking aside, I hope they hot fix this ASAP as this bug makes the crossbolt unusable.

itll be at least a month

Its a feature. It carries the spirit of Christmas.

Yh, I noticed that. Players can see the blue flash behind walls as well.

It’s the new pred tiki torch to bring in the new year 🎊 😭

@IllFonic Is the Crossbolt issue, that is constantly being lit up like a firework, on your list of bugs to fix? We have had no response about this bug that we reported on 5 Dec. when it was introduced in patch 3.10. The crossbolt is unusable in this state as it shows exactly where the predator is anywhere in the level and while cloaked. Could we please get a hotfix pushed out soon for this? Thank you.