Custom my bots

I like custom the bots for playing, but cant do it

how about them fix the bots that DONT show up when existing players drop. This breaks the game by pred not being able to find them even with target isolation and pred needs to wait the full duration of the match for the game to end.

That being the bots in a state of “Take over bot” by an existing FT player not taking over.

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The Bot just outright doesn’t spawn the fuck in if a player leaves during the Chopper cutscene. It pisses me off when it happens especially when the bug where the game won’t fucking start until half the lobby leaves occurs and then only 1 Bot with 2 potatoes. This game is a fuckin joke man simple


then why do you play it? Im just stating a rare thing that happens alot. no need to trash the whole game dude! I go one mile of anger and you go 100 miles.

I’m not angry mate it’s just the way I am. And let’s be honest every game that someone enjoys playing has something that pisses them off in it.


:\ its not going to be fun responding to someone whose every response is a knee jerk… just saying

What do you mean knee jerk?🤣

Now here’s a big brain idea:

Let the bot take over the player when the player dies instead of the other way around. All remaining potatoes will be hunted down and defeated.

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