customization system

I think this is the perfect way to fully customize our yautja.
To start the classes would cease to exist

You can choose 3 yautja bodies (males and females) but you can choose the type of head where there will be several to choose from due to the genetic diversity of the yautja, let’s say for example 6 types of head

(it would be as before) short, long, thick, elder, etc…

Yautja color:
In this case, instead of choosing certain colors, you choose the pattern that you like the most from those that are available and then add the colors that you want to use (very similar to the color customization system of the game the isle)

(As it is in the game, I see it well, but having a mode without a biomask would be very interesting)

Being able to choose which armor to put on our Yautja, since when we play we also do it for aesthetics. Fixed armor classes are a problem.
For example, I love city hunter, however I have to settle for the armor it brings, when there are others that seem great to me. This would give our yautja a lot of showiness, since we would not be so limited at an aesthetic level.
Combinations of different armor could also be made, for example the smartdisc support is something that I have always liked, but unfortunately we only have it in the city hunter. Perhaps smartdisc support could be implemented for each armor if you choose to use that type of weapon.
Since it is very unreal to see your yautja and observe that the weapons he carries are not seen on any side of his body. The fact that you see the weapons on the yautja would also make it look much more realistic.

Weapons and equipment:
I think that here the most important thing would be that all the yautjas have a load X number for equipment and in terms of weapons, put one more gear and in the process be able to decide whether or not we want to go with secondary weapons.

Due to the lack of classes, all yautjas have certain values ​​of health, resistance, speed and equipment weight. But they can be increased as you level up to a limit. This allows us to have our favorite Yautja with the statistics that best suit us according to our game mode.

This customization system can also come in handy for free and paid DLC.
Because it would no longer be necessary to create more characters or classes… instead you can bring us DLC of new armors, different biomasks and of course, new weapons. This type of content would be less limited, it would be easier and cheaper to create and that frees up time for creators to focus on creating new maps, missions and game modes or working on new mechanics.

I don’t know whether to add something else, perhaps the issue of height within a limited range, it would be as simple as a change in scale, which would help large predators such as super preds or wolves to look larger than they are yautjas common.

I know that this game needs a lot of important things before this, but I think it would be great to have a proper customization system and even more knowing that it is a fairly modern game, when you have games from 10 years ago with quite incredible customization systems… like for example skyrim.