So, many times when I’m just trying to jump (not leaping/“X” on Playstation), the damn Predator climbs up on a tree that happens to be to my side (not looking at the “X” on the bottom of the tree)
I hate that, because I use it (jumping) to avoid getting hit or to recover stamina, and many times climbing a tree ruins the moment, because you lose 3/4 seconds easily.
So, I tried customizing my controls, but when I do, it glitches something else. I tried a lot of combinations, but everytime I feel like “I got it this time”, either I’m not able to eat a pig, claim, climb up on a tree… jump at all.
Is it possible we can use the same button to interact and climb up on a tree? Or other different combinations? Or climbing ONLY if the “(button)” appears on the bottom of the tree???
Last night I tried using “circle” to jump on the tree and jumping to different branches, I really felt I had it done, but I don’t remember now what was it that I couldn’t do anymore. It’s completely glitched.
Any chances to have this done or any type of advise?