hello illfonic.im Jp Player.
When playing in the Japanese version, Dante “Beast Mode” Jefferson’s voice remains in English? s voice.
There are many players who love him, and they all say, "I want to hear his voice in Japanese! (I’m one of them. Please give me a cool voice!)
Dante “Beast Mode” Jefferson plz JP Voice
And make it so FT dont all say the exact same thing
will his wit and charm and street slang translate well to all languageS? Does Arnold only have english?
wit and charm when he has the same voice lines as everyone else 🤣🤣🤣 My guy did you say street slang ?
My favorite claim is Dante, just to shut him up.
In the Japanese version, everyone speaks Japanese except for Dante!
Dutch’s voice actor’s Japanese voice is pretty cool, so you should definitely give it a listen!
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sounds awesome!
On a related note: why can’t we choose what language to play this game in? I want to have the option to play it in Japanese or French! I mean, the work’s already been done so why do they limit me to English only?