Predator: Cold War is a comic made by the company of Dark Horse, ultimately meant to serve as a direct sequel to another Dark Horse comicbook series known as Predator: Concrete Jungle. The story follows Alan Dutch Schaefer’s brother, Detective John Schaefer being forced to step toe to toe with another Predator activity. Before he had to fight off a Predator like invasion in New York while trying to find his Brother, now he has to fight off more Predators in Russia.
Honestly it’s a good story and I love how we are getting a good character connected to another amazing character of the franchise, we get to learn more and more about what exactly happened to Dutch after the Val Verda incident of 1987. I won’t spoil anything else for if you want to know the rest of the story, you can easily buy the 4 part comic series for 5 dollars a piece. Hope you guys enjoy!^^