dead pigs disappear?

In games I have noticed that the pigs I kill when playing with predator disappear flying. Has this happened to you or is it just me?

Sometimes I’ve noticed that the pigs after awhile despawn if the fire team have moved causing more to spawn elsewhere…I’ve especially seen this with target isolation where I move towards the boar but because the fire team moved the dot disappeared before TI ran out and appeared again near where the FT were going next…either it’s a bug or a reason to keep the preddy near the FT at all times

it’s a bug that came with 3.00

i initially posted about it and samhain did more research to confirm

This has happened to me - recently when it did happen and the body vanishes I look around the area I usually find it close by, as if it died in its spawn point.

In fact, when the pig’s location appears on the map and at the time you are going to recover, it still appears on the map but the area is not there and you are like wtf xD