Dear Predator Mains


if I had access to the numbers and didnt have to get 4 randos together to test shit in a private match. I would put in the effort and number crunch for my balance change post. Or at least try. But as of right now all anyone can really do is “speculate” on what should be done.

I agree 100% I play with a pretty good FT & a Predator that knows what she/he is doing always wins. That being said even a Predator that rushes in and starts CQC uselessly wins, even when all four of us our focusing them down. It is the players who rush in blindly and mashing buttons thinking they are bullet proof and don’t understand what second wind is etc… The point I am making here, is that players who lose as the Predator, become toxic over the mic saying “Nerf the FT” or “Buff the Predator”. They are not trying and want the win handed to them on a platter. These player are making the game unbalanced by wanting more and taking away from the FT. Bottom line here is if you keep messing with the checks and balances you will lose a player base of people who enjoy the game and play it on a regular; over people who just want a easy win… Predator players who are complaining, you are not god in the game. Learn the game, play it smart, and you will start having fun. !!!DO NOT NERF THE FT ANYMORE!!! FT has it hard as it is!

You might as well stop Dude. Your not getting your Opness back. Your not gonna convince the Devs to bring back your Opness. Ft’s are hella salty because they can’t shit all over the Predator anymore, they can’t chase him down anymore and knife him to death. If your queing up with randoms and they make dumb moves that’s your fault, not the Predators. Form a team, que in and keep constant communication. This last patch balanced both teams so stop complaining and play it smart.

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I would argue that while the gameplay has been artificially balanced. It was done in a hasty way and could be done better.

So ima shamelessly link this

Hop on those replies and we can talk some real balance. Just make sure your replies are thought out please.

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One more thing before I pop off this thread. I would say that the majority of my predator ass kickings have been because of extreme lag (just bad server ping for everyone) making my most important tools ie predkour, net gun, smart disc. Extremely difficult to use. And as such. I get my teeth kicked in. Thats what happens when one team has projectile weapons. And the other hitscan. The lag sucks for both teams but fuck if hitscan isnt the most forgiving of the two.


What im saying is is that predator is probably even more strong right now than my win/loss might suggest (if we could see it) purely due to lag issues.

I have been working and studying with this team though, so I am going to plug their new thread.


This the one you were talking about on my thread?

I wish you were right. But I’m still able to chase down predators and kill them in a couple knife hits and parry nearly every one of their attacks. It’s like they barely even changed anything.

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Typically lose as predator because FT is calling the chopper by the 5 minute mark and I didn’t have time to do jack shit. Unless I want to run the bezerker and combistick and play 3 minutes. The just isn’t fun to me

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Whata know lol made up patch notes to convince the Devs to buff the FT and debuff the Predator. Lmao

No those patch notes are mostly concerned with technical stuff. And more of the xp balancing and other cool ideas along those lines. My patch notes are more along the lines of balancing. And not this artificial shit theyve done to try and fight the exploits. Some real thought out balancing. Still, their patch notes will probably pick up more on the balancing soon. They are quite new.

Trust me when i say, those predators that you can still run up on in second wind, have no idea what theyre doing.

SW just received a massive buff, and most people dont understand how to properly put distance/terrain/objects between them and FT.

actually, all I am interested in is a fair, balanced, and enjoyable game for all. I don’t want something that is just a predator running around and rick rolling people or the fireteam just playing any random fps shooter with no regard for tactics and strategy, like cod

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Yeah, yeah predator players are bad blah, blah you can’t tell me that nearly everyone playing predator is bad. I’m not buying into that for a second. Because “good” or “bad” I can still kill them in a couple knife hits and that shouldn’t be happening.

i agree with part of this i dont think they need anymore nerfs but i mean, hard enough? its only hard if your solo’ing if you know what your doing along with your team then you have the match in your hands so i mean…

Well form a team and quit queing with randoms and keep constant communication. Like I said if you que up with randoms and they make a mistake that’s your fault not the Predators. You have to play it smart now.

Look renegade, based on the reply you left on my old balance post, I just wanna say this. Just because you are enjoying your combi stick zerker. Doesnt mean everyone else is.

That came off mean. Sorry.

Im just saying. For the game to be balanced properly, not everyone is gonna like the changes. Not everyone is gonna like that their weapon is no longer the best weapon. That being said, over on my post im doing my best to try and create an environment where every weapon is great. Not just the combi stick. Not jus tthe GL or snipers. Everything

Excuse me son, I use Hunter with disc and net. I dont use zerker, he’s to fat and slow.


I respect that. But then why the hell were you so against the combi stick getting nerfed again?

Considering most predators arent leaping while in SW, still dive into 1v4 melee, cant hit their ranged shots, dont eat pigs, sit on a branch trading one PC shot for 10 headshots by FT. Yes, yes i can.