December Update…

Its called Predator Friendship. At the end of the match, multicoloured balloons float up into the jongo sky!
Yes its goofy, but thats just what everyone wants!

Personally I think they are going to come out with anothet shitty update filled with bugs

Do you mean the same way they have done since the game was released? Or differently in some way?

We’re all bugtesters who works for free for them. If they don’t do a proper job before releasing stuff, giving us shit, then they deserve getting shit thrown at them.

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makes me wonder if they actually are trying to kill the game. last two patches wrecked the game in the worst ways, and they’ve addressed none of it other than “we workin on it lul”.

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In all honesty, while I’m a huge supporter of the game because I enjoy it… I think they could definitely do with testing out their updates in house a bit more before releasing them. No one likes a buggy game. 😕

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Welcome to the club, fellow Xeno. But it’s safe to say they don’t playtest and haven’t since the beta. They scrape the bottom of the barrel and ensure it works just enough to be held together by marshmallows and toothpicks.

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I would be totally cool with play testing and bug reporting on a weekly basis if they were to say something like:

“We understand that there are a number of bugs in game that need some time to address. With that, we are moving the game back to a developmental state and would like the community to work with us through the next few months in a play testing period to assist us in identity outstanding bugs so that we can repair them and relaunch the game as a completely improved and bug free play experience. We love our community and those who support our products.”

Yeah… something like that. 🤷🏼‍♂️

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Yop. We’ve been asking for them to allow the community to collaborate with them since around July 2020. Either they’re under contract or just choosing not to. Personally, I can’t really tell. I would make an educated guess and say contract but at the same time, Disney would be up their rear about the game’s long term profit as of now. I dunno, man. Shit’s gotta get done and it won’t get done with them squandering their game


I’m sure most people here, me included, would absolutely volunteer our time to play test the game and assist them in bug reporting on an official level.

It really seems like the game is somewhat on a run away train of bugs and they can’t keep up because they’re creating new content at the same time as trying to repair old content.

In my opinion, which don’t mean crap…, they need to pull the game, open it up to a community of play testers for six months, take another few months to repair and improve it and then relaunch it.

I’d hate to see the game end up a forgotten game due to nonsense when there is so much potential here.

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Same here but I got the impression that they don’t want to cooperate and listen to feedback.

Instead they just keep doing the same, their own thing which, proven by the amount of bugs and zero field testing, isn’t efficient.


You n me both. I’ve even offered directly to them. As have a few others. But we didn’t get any response whatsoever. Christ, look at No Man’s Sky. Game was a sinking ship. Look what community collaboration did for them. Look at Halo 3. Look at Destiny. Look at Cyberpunk. Dude, if the community is there to help, they’ll fucking help. I don’t know why they’re being so anal about letting their genuinely passionate community help


That really baffles me…
I don’t understand why they won’t allow the community to help them. It’s like having free employees testing your product to help improve it.

If Illfonic is afraid of being judged as needing the community to help them, then they need to set that ego aside. No one here passes judgement on them. They’ve taken on a license that we all love! If anything, we’re happy to help and would love to see the game improved upon. So let us help!

I feel like our bug reports here get lost in the ocean of nonsense that flows daily around here. And having one moderator report back to them is absolutely not a practical way to handle communications between your official product and developers.

The game for sure needs a bit of a reset and we’re here to help. We have our hand out, they just need to take it.

It’s because we mean nothing to them

At the very best we’ll get a new map called “Jungle Ruins” as the leaks suggest, and some bug fixes IMO. We might get a new made up Predator or a new Fireteam member but I’m not expecting much at all

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I just want the fps drop fixed. Excavation is unplayable now. Not that I liked the map, but now I hate it even more.

If I had to guess, the update will probably drop on Wednesday December 8th. I’m saying the 8th because that’s the date it was dropped last December.

Well that would suck as that’s when Halo drops.

New outfits, not just reskins

My style is severely stifled.

A viable sniper class (predators scanner jammer?)

Forgot beards

We definitely need beards. FT looking too Purdy. NEED GRIT

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