December Update…

Totally agree, only two who has a bearded is Arnold and Dante

One more pred to finish the year!😅 Alternatively, bronze and actual silver/grey varients for Samurai. Bug changes would be nice but I don’t experience them enough to honestly complain.

A new pred weapon in an update instead of FT, preferably gear.

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Tomorrow no?

No updates usually come out at the end of the month so like the 28th or 29th you should expect it

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well i just remembered something
they are working on a new game so we might expect less work on predator most of the money has been made .So maybe we can expect less work on predator (there is already no com at all even during the dev stream there is no interaction between them and us and weirdly i’m not interested to see custom game with 4 Giant head with no gravity doing weird stuff for 1 entire hour)
i like this game .But i’m kinda loosing hope slowly but surely and i finaly resigned myself that the next update and likely new game mod probably won’t be good.
the night time mission were a really good adition despise all the prb they added (some of those basic prb like the super flashy thermal vision are still there) but the game need something bigger and not a new fucking predator or harrigan (i want him for sure) but we need something big and not a classic small uptade


I assume Illfonic will be on vacation for the 24th through the 31st, so I’d imagine it’d be on the 21st this month.

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no you are getting it wrong
it will be for january .It’s either at the last day of the month (and it can’t this time) or later the other month

Ah yes, the forever useless speculation

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They will be gone for the holidays

They said there is a december update

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Kass said we are getting an update this month and a roadmap



And update full of bugs, yes

LOL If you need axe buffed uninstall.

So many of truly love this game… Please just fix the bugs and worry about new stuff LATER… Please and Thank You!!!

The predator is supposed to be OP if you need a reference go look at the comics and movies

Legit ya’ll so stupid in thinking pred needs all the nerfs, this is the exact fucking case with what happened in F13

Sounds like a classic case of nerf pred buff FT

Nerf MP
Pump SP

Lonewolf mode, before the death.

Add Alien Xenomorph as one of the Predators. Xenomorph can crawl fast on anything and melee or spit acid. Also add Amanda Ripley as one of the fireteam and give her a flame thrower. Why? Well…Why not?