Definition of parry

I reckon killing a space alien who’s trying to kill you before you can finish your mission is pretty high up my chain of important things to do.

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Yeah I get it but if were going of the premise of the first movie is I think I heard said then getting the job done and getting to the choppa is supposed to be primary they only decided to stand and try to fight for a moment once they realized they were screwed they double timed it towards the chopper only.when left with no other option did Dutch break down and try to hunt it. But I do get that bagging an alien is pretty up there too as for importance

Dutch didn’t know the predator existed until after the mission was done… Pretty sure if it started attacking him when he infilled from the chopper he would’ve gone, fuck the mission, kill the alien.

I think he went after the predator for revenge because once the predator lost track of him on the riverbank he could have headed the other way, but it killed his men so he felt he had to kill it.

Nah, he knew it was hunting him down. That’s why he took a stand. Technically his motives didn’t change from when they first started building the traps. It was kill the pred, or don’t live to see the chopper.

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