Delta variant is horse shit

all i have to do is ask you would you rather let a virus kill flat % of the earth’s population forever or would you rather take a chance that WILL get rid of the virus eventually as vaccines are proven to get rid of diseases entirely as long as people take them

so that our future people don’t have to deal with it like we did with everything else we vaccinated against

i believe in saving future lives

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Id like to reference Bill Burr on the subject of governments forcing an exctinction on the public.
If the government used the injections to kill the sheeple whom actually got their vaccinations, then alll that will be left with are the Fons type rebel people who are already anti-government on every subject matter. That ultimately works against the government if they were deliberately injecting us with the death.


Lies…peep this and tell me this isn’t relevant especially since bill gates was for a while a medical expert pushing for your beloved vaccines… @4:10-4:50

well first of all bill gates is a computer science expert not a medical expert so i wouldn’t trust his word on any medical issue ever cause i care about expert opinions not opinions of software engineers

and also keep in mind as it’s a consistent trend as countries enter first world status population goes down which would follow if the world gains things like free healthcare vaccines and other medical expertise like first world countries currently have so still what he says tracks here too…

the biggest reason couples have more children is survival and prosperity if children are guaranteed to survive and people are prospering than less children happen = lower global population

I would assume in good faith he isn’t saying “doctors will kill people” he is referring “if survival rates go up and people gain first world country healthcare less babies happen”

Yea the part of bio gates being a medical expert was me being sarcastic lol
And yea ive heard that but if I hadn’t had ppl I knew directly who were fine since the covid started then once they were convinced and took the vaccine now thier sick with covid, pneumonia, getting heart attacks, feeling sick for 2 months after taking it, and almost feeling paralyzed then id be a lil more optimistic.

Mind you thise arent from one person thise are things that have happened to numerous ppl I know. I will say not every person who takes it has those effects but i wouldn’t wanna take it then i end up being one of tjose who does have an effect like thise or worse.

One country found gates , fauci and others guilty of causing the plandemic in the courts! Did the news report this ? No

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Nope but of course thier cinsidered “hero’s” here

The immune system is strong enough to tackle any problem that comes its way. All diseases and all medical ailments can be beaten naturally without the use of any pharmaceuticals. Of course, this information will never be revealed to the public because Big Pharma and other government agencies profit off people’s suffering.

Eat healthy, exercise and minimise stress. These three things alone will ensure that you stay healthy. If this scamdemic was really about keeping people healthy, then all these mainstream media outlets would’ve put more emphasis on these three things instead of blabbering about the shitty vaccines.

Anyone with a half brain can see that this scamdemic is being used to further an agenda. Start asking questions sheeple, and stop believing the garbage that is spewed by the mainstream media.


He’s not a software engineer…anymore. Welcome to today man, he’s a philanthropist who is putting all the money he earned as a engineer where his mouth is.

Geesuz I think it takes more brain power to pretend to be this dumb.

this doesn’t mean he has a degree in virology or a degree in any other medical sciences

which means his statements don’t matter he is a software engineer that’s his field of expertise

as i said which is true i don’t’ care about the opinions of of people that aren’t respected experts in their field

if he wants to use his philanthropy to fund medical projects great but i don’t care about his opinions or statements on those issues unless he starts funding things that harm humanity

i could say the same about you due to this response

How retarded do you have to be to believe anything the mainstream media tells you.

You think the CDC, FDA and all these other government agencies give a fuck about you?

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yeah? do you know how governments get paid? if i’m dead or the masses are dead they don’t collect taxable income as it stands all the big corpos dont’ pay their billions of taxes they collect their money from the poor and middle class so they literally have to farm us for money lol


last i checked i live in capitalist hell and unless your a top 1% who can ignore the worlds problems so do you

It’s in their best interest to keep us dumbed down and easy to control. That’s what this scamdemic is about, CONTROL.

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At least there is reliable testing for retardation, unlike the kung-flu

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I give up on the sheeple bruh, they’re too brainwashed to see what’s really going on.

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Cant see the forest due to the trees mate

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It’s as simple as this…

Go see your doctor. Not A doctor. YOUR doctor. And ask if it’s a good idea for you, based on your personal health situation. Ask if you can get an antibody test for this virus. If you have them, you’ve had the virus and recovered and therefore may not need to get the shot (it’s not really a vaccine. It’s more like a glorified flu shot. Vaccines prevent you from getting and spreading diseases, like small pox etc.).

I personally know many people that have had the Pfizer shot and one with the Moderna. All are just fine. I also know some folks that have had the virus and had a terrible time with it and some friend’s friends etc of mine have died from the virus. I don’t know how these unfortunate folks health was, which is why I always tell people to talk to their doctor before making any choice like that. That’s what you pay them for.

I tested positive some time ago, but didn’t feel like I had the flu. I did have 3 solid days of migraines and it sucked, but that was it. I have yet to get a shot or an antibody test, but I will do the latter before I even consider the former.

Bottom line, it’s on you to educate yourself from several sources and make your own choice. Don’t allow yourself to be shamed or pushed into something you’re uncomfortable with. It’s really no one’s business whether or not you’ve had the shot. If someone pesters you about it, ask them if they can produce proof that they don’t have herpes or gonorrhea. 😉


A guy in Canada asked them to simply show “proof that they have isolated and identified a covid virus with data” , the state officials response “we have no such data” , odd 🤔.

That was in a court of law and with a subpoena.

A guy in Canada asked whom? A health department official or something? And during a hearing in court? And why was this in court, if it was? Context is needed.