Dev stream 22nd October

Time to get chat banned again


From illfonic or you? I mean i don’t need underwear but i’ll take it.

I don’t even wear it


If anyone gets an answer i’d love it

Some other newer questions i’d have for them
“Can you provide reasoning’s behind why you chose to nerf ammo count for secondary weapons over just nerfing the firepower of the pistols which was the problem players asked about?”

“Do you guys keep an internal Text document of somekind that people edit when changes are made? If not why don’t you? Considering all the undocumented changes that happen such as: Bow damage nerf Energy cost nerfs Health of the Disk”

Do you understand that the Hammerhead and the SAWZ50 have been the best primary weapon in their class for as long as they have been in the game and do you ever plan to do anything about it? like with how consistantly high the hammerhead’s dmg is at far range or how the SAWZ will take a predator mask away in 2 shots?

“Can you provide a reason as to why you nerfed the Warhammer when it was among the worst melee weapons in the game? as Axe does everything the Warhammer does but butter?”


There are some questions i’d like to ask regarding future content but i know they won’t answer those so please do not waste your time either
anyone who reads this has my permission to copy paste whichever question they like and spam their chat with it

Funnily enough this same list of questions from like 3-4 years ago would still fit tbh


i won’t be tuning in

Fine but you’re gonna miss out of the medieval predator dlc pack

Comes with an actual crossbow that doesn’t leave trails behind

A mace/shield combo

And a plasma powered claymore sword 🗡️

Def not me, I don’t even have underwear myself

Oh, it’s cool I’ll come)

Y’all ready for this shit?

someone put everything they said on the stream in here, i have better things to do than actually tune in myself

Stop being defeatist

i’ll take the time to listen to it since all i’m not working and working my way through a pokemon romhack anyway

I’ll post some highlights later

Stop being an Illfonic consoomer.

Stream playing warbled predator theme is so fitting

Don’t waste time watching the stream

They can’t talk about anything

right now this is the stream info we aren’t going to get anything else clearly cause they straight up said they aren’t able to talk about anything material

Audio bug fixed next patch
Reckless bug fixed next patch
Loadout reset bug fixed next patch
ETA on next patch Don’t know it’s winter?
Their QA team has roughly 200hours to test things out prior to a patch release

they apparently have “Tools” To scan there various media platforms to collect feedback where the CM’s sift through to send to teh design team So post feedback they are only interested in feedback post 3.0 patchdate beacause they believe that patch was alot of fundamental changes that cannot take into account the previous state of the game

I can kind of see why they have that headspace. 3.0 is essentially a new game, any feedback should treat it as such. If there are overlapping issues from the previous versions then it carries over. But they still seem so uninterested in addressing the issues that matter, like balance. They’re over here playing potato builds on stream, of course they’re not going to understand how the balance works. They think every pub match is the same, when its not. ONE person with the right build and enough skill can 1v1 a Pred. That’s not right.

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I have since been banned from their chat i will not watch future streams as they clearly are not interested in answering questions asked politiley or in good faith

guess lighting never strikes twice

You too, huh?