DEVSTREAM Today Nov12th

Don’t know why this hasn’t circulated on Twitter or the forum, but apparently a Dev Stream today

Let’s all reward illfonic together!!!



They have some cuties there, they definitely deserve a reward.

because they actually don’t want informed users of their game to watch their stream

Because people like me will ask questions and get banned which causes their chat to uproar that they aren’t listening to feedback on any platofrm

(Cause they aren’t or at least don’t appear to be)

It is in their best interst to only inform the braindead masses that consume their games without question and bother to follow their streaming platforms

but hey if anyeone does watch it and they say anything worth while let me know

Someone from the forum will definitely summarize the info here.

“We can’t discuss this on stream” That’ll do.

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Oh wow, Amber is HOT.

Yooooo @Doom can you ask her to DM me, brooo?? I’ll buy all the DLC, I’ll double dip and get the physical edition, Illfonic is the best company EVER, I’ll take it all back bro, just give me the chance to rizz this GODDESS.


New Medieval Predator!!! OMG!!!

are you that thirsty? she just looks like an ordinary nerdy lesbian feminist

I’m convinced 95% of the community could team wipe Illfonic in minutes. The way they play is…facepalm No wonder they don’t play with the community anymore. Watching the last match and they are sending the wrong message about this game to new players. A lot of FT players will not play this passively. Watching Albert hop around with the nerfed Hammer barely getting lit up is not conclusive to how it is in pubs, because his peers are using low-level builds, and not playing very well. If Albert tried this in 90% of public matches, he’d be melted in seconds. Likewise for how their playing FT, the majority of Preds would end them in minutes. Like I get this is supposed to be a fun playtime, lalala, nothing serious, but the fact that they don’t know about the meta builds for both sides, don’t acknowledge the balance issues, and aren’t playing with builds that are what you would see in pubs, shows again the wall of lack of awareness between them and their community. They should be playing at level 150, with the kind of perks and builds that you would see in the wild that experienced players use, to give a more accurate example of the game. But they don’t, and maybe this is why they can’t grasp the imbalance issues, because they’ve never experienced it.

Was that you as Pred, @Doom, in the second match? Were you holding back? Because you were the most aggressive Pred player all stream.


i knowww shhh i’m memeing

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It was all CM’s first and foremost

soonish they will be posting teasers for the new predator class (we know from leaks it’s probably Tank)

their cm Albert specifically asked about meta ft builds as he is unaware if they even exist SAWZ and 1011 12 where mentioned to him which he read aloud

they are still not allowed to talk about anything until they hear from higher ups which means
they can literally control their own announcements now they own the rights to the game outside of movie/comic related content so if they are doing stuff that’s orginal to the game they only thing stopping them from talking about it is themselves

Jelou actually got a question through good on him
so the reason apparently why AI get alarm’s so quickly now is becuase they cleaned up the code so the ai wouldn’t get overwhelmed with actions which would cause them to stop from tripping the alarm basically altering the priority flow

first good questino of the stream

(this is the reason according to Albert’s memory from a passing conversation with Jordan [Jordan being the lead game designer] )

they bullied the pred in a couple of games with the knife or just because the predator was straight bad (slamming twice in a row)

for some reason people in teh chat where telling albert the strong weapons on the predaotr which you shouldn’t do if we want things buffed we should just lie to them by claming weaker items are better to force them to do normalization by giving them a false impression if they are actually going to play the game on their own imo but whatever

who knows maybe they’ll nerf the sickle cause you guys told him it was th best melee weapon


That’s it?

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Why would it be Tank?

We already have the mask

tank was nearly finished and planned (datamined in the files a nearly complete model) when they abandoned the game 2 years ago it makes sense they would finish that as an easy dlc lay up as it would cost them little considering i’d assume they are still at the stage where they aren’t sure how long support for this title will continue since we only have dlc planned until spring next year

at this time

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sickles effectiveness is debatable, the tracking is horrible

What you reckon about fireteam?

I really screwed things with my PS4 console and account and am trying to recover Dutch. Playstation are being really slow with account recovery

Easier to just buy it again.

easier sure but probably more expensive certainly at this time they have said that “Fireteam have enough toys” so it’s unlikely unless this game becomes profitable enough for them to convince upper management to secure those rights again

So it will likely be while if ever i’d imagine if support continues we get one FT dlc release personally the only thing we have to point to of a FT class we never got was something listed as


which i imagine got scrapped in favore of the UAV item and probably the drone AI missions on headquarters

Shame. It’s really killed the immersion and storytelling to write Dutch and Isabelle out