Damn he had tonwork for a 2v1… that’s not even cool
Did something JUST happen?
Pretty much all gaming is dead.
Theres very few games that come out now a days that are the same quality as the golden age of gaming.
But when you got devs like illfonic who dont care about their creation it’s hard to get good games.
what about bethesda? like they’re big and they suck ass like tf? but I mean your right nothing beats the good ole days
Out sell god of war though… nahh bro i love predator to the ends of the eart and i even know it wouldn’t sell as much as the first party exclusives…
ima go to playstaion forums and fuck up everyones day brb LOL
They count with what I said too.
I never said big or small developer.
I said developers who dont care.
Sadly, now a days. Most dont.
This is the only explanation I can think of as to why theres so few good games coming out now a days.
agreed man
Oh that was a joke lol good joke
Unless a good studio got a hold of it, and combine it with aliens.
To really spice things up, throw in a few more sci fi franchises or stand alone things in to the mix.
And if you want to make it predator focus,
Have them be the main cast, and the other ones thrown in as things to hunt.
It would be huge.
Tho for me I still just wanna play xenomorph and run on ceilings and spit acid.
just having fun man LOL forreal this shit sucks tho
No lol i could tell from the durhh durh hehe and that made me laugh. I just got up so im totally lost
dude its been a shit fest like lowkey it sucks
Dude i really loved the remake AVP game that shit went hard… I’d kill for another AVP or concrete jungle I’d sacrifice my first born to get that shit… a burning bush wouldn’t have to tell me shit " so if i give you my first born i get a AVP 2 and Remake of Concrete jungle" throws kid in volcano 😂😂
Shit are all games affected right now?
Lmao. Some games seem to work but only a few. Psn had a fucking stroke.
Damn and most players for predator are on ps4 so the pc people are going to talk shit… and say we are the problem… yet it wasn’t even supposed to go to them in first place
Lol why is that bad it showed I was actually good at FT but I’m a Predator player just doing FT cuz I’m forced to