Director says what saved Predator franchise is a CGI Predator in Prey

  1. Still
  2. Right
  3. No matter
  4. What you say

The idea that no counter claim can disprove you is pure ignorance

Have fun being an idiot

Isnā€™t this just drama? Itā€™s not what the cast or director thinks, itā€™s what the viewers think. Some probably liked the pred and the action scenes, some may have we liked Naruā€™s story. Some liked both. Community liked mostly neither. Still the movie is a success.


i never read articles unless I can form an opinion myself. The second article only shows a BTS footage and not the CGI version in comparison. I donā€™t know why ppl make these articles.
They certain want a knee jerk reaction.

In what way is the community split on this particular instance of CGI? I thought it was pretty good blend of prac. and cgi. Not sure why ppl frankly need to be polarized everything just to sell it. Quality is darn good.

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CGI Preds clearly donā€™t work, look at how much hate Assassin in Pred 2018 got, a guy in the suit is always preferred, I do wish they woulda kept the maskā€™s face instead of CGI ing it

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What do you think weā€™re all here for? Bonding and friendship? No, weā€™re here to pointlessly argue and cause entertainment for people who like seeing stupid shit.

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People are judging it like it was supposed to be a Godfather standard but itā€™s just an action flick.

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For some reason this annoys me. People just canā€™t accept that this is a decent movie and they have to dig up every possible reason to bring it down.

Canā€™t we agree that this movie was good for the IPā€™s future no matter what personal peeves people have and call it a day?

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Nah, we need to pick every single detail apart and hold on to them and declare it an abomination against cinema as a whole. Seriously though the criticisms are valid but at some point you just gotta accept that the good outweighs the bad even if some of the bad is pretty bad.


Ok, as long as people see the train light at the end of the tunnel


predator is a suit franchise.

Jason is a suit franchise.

The rest is blasphemy.

Simple as.

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If Man Realizes Technology Is Within Reach, He Achieves It, Like Itā€™s Damn-Near Instinctive


If that was the case just make feature length animations?

They use it when applicable

Didnā€™t they the thing 2011 it? It was practical and then they decided to CGI over it?

No, they had the physical props but never used them

Which is unfortunate since they in particular were nice, something I canā€™t say for Prey.

I thought they did use them but done CGI over them . Even the original thing , carpenter thought the practical creatures didnā€™t look convincing , but with using certain lighting he loved them

It takes a idiot to not listen to all sides of a matter then rely on what they were told and stay ignorant šŸ˜

Rely on what theyā€™re told?

You do realize this entire conversation has me refuting the thing Iā€™ve been told, on a brand new subject Iā€™ve never heard of before?

Not to mention I was one of the first ones to say the film was good striking out on my own thoughts.

Not to mention I seem to be one of the few people to realize politicians of all brands are manipulative dick heads.

This is pure conflation made by your brain washed overly sensitive head

And I did listen. Doesnā€™t mean blatant lying will change my mind