Darkhorse has never put out a decent comic that really pushed the narrative of predator lore. It just made poor choices from the movies appear interesting because the lack of interest from the movie industry.
The comic sequel to Predators was a joke.
The Deadliest of the Species was too broken in terms of story plots.
THe only thing that was OK was the AVP Prey novel by Steve Perry but it was a half forgotten tale praised for its detail driven writing sorely and just made part of the Extended Universe lore that often gets half baked but still relies on each other to stick together in terms of plot.
Which begs the franchise to not release one book but a large format like LOTRs with 3 giant sized paperback novels. I just dont think audiences are ready for that yet at all!
If they don’t introduce those female warrior designs in to tales/comics/movies they are just shooting themselves in the foot.Starving the franchise by re-hashing old ideas is the wrong way to go.
If you think Feral should have looked like the origin 87 design, then you’re not doing mankind equal footing of what the franchise started.which is stifling genius design from growing. Expanding genius design only leads to bigger stories,except people who don’t like to do that often ends up repeating past mistakes.
You’re like the same guy who says the next Alien movie should do better, but the only promise is the same design. Now everyone is like GREAT, Fede did it with triamphantly!! But it went no where for most people interested in new stories. It treaded on old story beats, family friendly narratives, SFX that made 4k out of old resolutions, knew exsactly how to do every creature since they hired the people who made it before, and we get ONE thing new and was blown out the window in less than 5 minutes.
Well I hope Fede does something different next time. Better step up the game by not treading old tropes and past designs and should let Ridley take the reigns and have himself sign off on everything telling the world that he makes things better. WE should all agree since Fede is going to do it anyways and we all applauded Fede the first time.
How does this relate to the OP? Well Feral is a new design based off a old ideas. It changes the land scape with new DNA and may opt to stear the next movie into new directions. Thats the point. If it didn’t then we would have to direct our attention back to old story points and tribes and retread the whole storyline all over again until someone says “lets do something new”.