Do people like the Feral Predator design?

It’s cool that in the upcoming film “Predator Badlands” the protagonist is going to be the predator, but the moment I realized that it is based in the cinematic universe where predators look like turd monsters all my excitement went out the window.

Do people find this insult to the original design appealing?
(I am referring to the head design mainly)

We haven’t seen what the Predator looks like yet. You shouldn’t jump to conclusions.

Looks badass til you see his face. I hated the maskless look

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Well yeah, but I give it a really small percentage that its going to have the classic look since its being directed by the same director who did Prey.

I honestly hope that the Pred we saw in Prey was like a type of predator mutation, same as the predator head hunter we saw in Shane Black’s “The Predator” in 2018.
A one time appearance sort to say.

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Yeah it looks like it barely came out alive from a fire.

And the amazing thing with Stan Winston’s design of the original Predator,
is that it looks bad ass with the mask on
and the design of the creature is so cool that it looks even more bad ass when it takes the mask off.

And it definitely doesn’t look like its skin is melted.
It has clear distinct features.

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Yup and the mandibles from stans was perfect and somethin less mentioned but i hated the “lets give predators facial expressions” it predator wasnt as much as avp which went over board with expressions. I like the aggresive mean look of stans original

Yeah AvP ones look like they were a cross breed with Garry Busey’s character.

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Yea those were bad and always stood out

The head designs fine. Its freaky. What do you expect them to do? Talk in English?

For the most part, Feral is breifly exposed and when they did, it was harsh shadows and crushed blacks.
All your other predators unmasked you had them in studio lighting, and toys and stuff.

The feral isn’t childish. It isn’t effeminate. Its not recharded. its just different. I bet if you don’t like Feral, you’re one of those who didn’t like PredaAlien from AVP:R either. I happened to like PredaLien. So
the fact that one can be ‘purist’ for the original may just have an unrefined pallete.

BTW, Ill never buy an action figure. So that lets you know how much I’ll be doing with it.
What you have is a model that is just that, a model. If you’re one of those dudes who just buy toys and takes it to the bubble bath with you, you shouldn’t be in the forums speaking to me.

These models appear on film under certain lighting conditions.
If you think they should be mean and shit under fluffy lights in your room, forget about it. You have no appreciation for film and atmosphere.

The shit models from AVP1 the film are just trash.

This model, at that angle is basically disproportionate. The model makers fucked up. if you don’t see it, you obviously don’t know how the human body is constructed.
This angle and the way he looks down, shows you his body is too small and his neck is too long.

Problem solved.


Could you please ask Beer Warrior to add this to the new content of his project?

Sir, only you are capable enough in delicate communication with professional players to ask such a bold question. The way how you handled sensitive question about 13 in @Samhain13 name was priceless!

I only really like the bio mask on other classes as the rest of the feral seems to be a “wacky waving inflatable armed tube man” at times and there are probably better yautja options than using feral

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Now these are some seriously badass designs!!!


if only they would suggest these in the next film.

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Yea but knowing them they would either use the feral design again or use the old model and screw up the face which they’ve done since the second film and onwards instead

They look pretty nice…better than what this franchise has given as of recent cough cough ultimate predator

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The yautja in Prey was just of a different ethnicity, at least from what the director and the concept designer said, Feral is from a specific part of the yautja’s planet.

The big one in The Predator, Assassin/Upgrade was a normal yautja that modified himself genetically to be the ultimate menace. It sucks, and let’s hope we don’t see something like that again imho.

I doubt we’ll see another one like Feral btw.

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