There are two DLC ideas that stay in the back of my head when it comes to preds, the ultimate and the predalien, obviously ultimate since we never really got anything from pred 2018…considering this game is a direct sequel to it in terms of story, and the predalien since we’ve already got hints/a very obvious Easter egg that a chest burster had popped out of that one pred in the one headquarters mission, as well as the wolf dlc being in the game. These are two very op predators in terms of their respective movies, and it seems kinda impossible to implement them (Predalien because its considered a Xeno technically) (Ultimate is just…whatever the trainwreck it is) but at the same time it would be cool to just have them in game and at least add some more variety instead of “Hey! Here’s a predator in this timeline!”
Do you think we’ll ever see them?
Alien is of a different franchise which means illfonic has to shell out $$$ thus will not happen, even if its a good investment, they can’t even bring back FT DLC, which sold a ton.
Yeah I had kinda assumed that part which sucks really, especially since they edged us with that Easter egg, but who knows, maybe once day we can be happy
Emissary is from 2018 movie
It was just cut
We’ll never see either in this game as it would be too resource intensive
and the stupid thing about Emissary is that they never used them even though there were like two actors on set and in costume. foolish endeavor foolish story.
Because illfonic doesn’t want to put the required resources out
oh you mean people to do the work.
For my part, there are very good predators to take out in the comic area but the developers do not even want to exploit that T.T.
I support this too, I’m not TOO into the comics but I know there are favorites that would 100% be better than “oh here’s Egyptian dlc part 2” like yeah time period preds are cool and all…but like it gets to a point
Which we have already reached. All those potential preds and we get LARPing Preds.
more larp than the impossible gladiator predator ¡ xD