Does anyone else think if the night maps were recoloured

it would make for a better atmosphere?
Like do away with the blue hue of the sky and the ambient rouge of the bon fires.
I mean if it were more colder would it be more better?

Fireteam just needs tactical light attachment options, and predators need a vision that they can navigate better/hunt better.

Make it where pred gets a heartbeat detection vision or motion detection vision.

It has to have equal viability on both sides…it’s no fun cuz pred can’t even see his own on pecker at night 😢☠️

IR laser with thermal nvgs would be nice for FT. This way they can go completely dark when operating at night.

Of course pred could see FT thermal nods glowing and the IR laser. At least the attachment where the laser is coming out should give off heat signature. (Keeping ps4/dated pc rigs in mind?)

But why would you as a FT use an IR laser sight if you know it makes you visible? It must give you some undeniable advantage in shooting or aiming to use it.

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Preds can see in IR, as seen in Predator 2. Illfonic would need to program that in, obviously, which of course they never will. But lore-wise they’d be able to see the IR laser by switching spectrums in their mask.

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Well the idea is to cater to a new vision mode for preds that works better for preds to navigate terrain at night. Currently feels like you can’t see hardly anything even in the preds thermal vision.

Hell even the FT nvgs needs a rework imo. The whole idea is to make night maps more fun. The IR laser is an option that I thought would be cool if FT had thermal night vision. It might make killing npcs more fun and could lure a pred closer.

Say if the whole FT ran owlf suits (and they actually hid all body heat at night when it’s cold/lower temp). The only thing a pred can track them with would be 2 more vision modes.

Heartbeat detection vision
A vision that can see tac tights,nogs or or laser.

FT should never be able to be completely invisible all the time. Obviously @Brand

This old Russian mod made use of flashlight in dark maps. As well as a heartbeat sensor.

It was more fun than the vanilla game. I’m not surprised if the 250 patch was inspired by it. Pred can’t bunny hop so easily like he did in avp2000 vanilla

Maybe you’re all too young to know the old school pred games and the mods that made them great.