Drakos Vs Buddha Never Happened So We Did This Instead

Lol delete that before this thread gets locked out

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At least use a heavy censor pic or clip it title only cause this thread is great.

Got alot of people talking.

Apex_Hunter are you on ps4? By the same(ish) name?

Yeah but its the funnest/funniest frat houses ever. All good times.


Yea i’m on PS4 but i have a different gaming ID then my sn here in the forum



I played Apex_Warrior something something and the prick kept gettings shots on me so I made it personal to hunt his ass down and take his spine lol

Oh ok lol nah that wasn’t me

Glad that you got him though

Looked like you boys had a lot of fun

#jealous 😂

Shambler420 let’s go?? I mean let’s go!!

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xXExanguinateXx is my PSN name.

Give me an add if you want to play, I’m on in the evenings , Pacific Time zone


Nigga wyd on the forums my guy


What am I not doing my guy?

Where you at on the actual game? Lol

I’ve been playing predator whenever I’m on the game, waiting for the 30th now lmao

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Very entertaining!😂👍🏻 You guys should start uploading on a regular basis.

There’s another thread with Kalyp doing a pretty impressive Skeletor voice through hia round as Predator

Also helps he was tipsy.

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Priceless! LOL
Do you guys usually upload to the same YouTube channel?

Not as group in particular.

Thats my channel I share among friends and family (sometimes). I usually just uploaf funny clips that are bound to get a laugh. Sometimes theres barely any game play.

Hey kala what’s your psn I wanna play a few matches with you if that’s fine

But I have no mic and the only one I have is broken