Dulce base map

The dulce base with the terrain consisting of tall pine trees with thick foliage (would also help the pred harder 2 spot) canyons, archuleta mountain, archuleta mesa with steep climbs (will make the ft either slow down which would stretch the match or if they sprint they risk losing a 3rd of thier health) and a tunnel entrance on one side of the mountain at ground level and a hanger with rock textured hanger doors on the opposite end of the mountain high up. The tunnel would connect to the hanger through the mountain. Inside the base can be vats and cold storage tanks with predators and maybe some different type aliens or even those gene splice concept predators that were gonna be in the 2018 movie it would fit to the dulce lore of genetic experiments just to keep the aesthetic. I’d like to see how it would come out since you guys have nailed the environments so far.
@Kassinaillia @Courier @OldKingHamlet

Some pics for reference

all_uploads cdn fp content

wat? didnt i see this shit posted b4?

Yea but thought id repost since they decided to come back to the game. May be pointless, but oh well

Bro Kass is dead.