Dutch 87 is LIVE

Yeah, I just both him


The gun has only shaders (3 of them) and barrel. Nothing else. WHY?!


Only one Nipple Christmas Bauble? Where’s the second one?

Is he a carbon copy of 2025? Or is he is own class?

It’s his own unique class. look at that gear / perk score.
Also increased Hip-fire damage (Yeah, not accuracy) / Mud damage resist class perk.

any news on a hot fix for blue screens???

@OldKingHamlet , @Courier

Seeing other people simply being able to play and access this content, when it sounds like a large portion of your fanbase cant even play the game, just make me feel you are okay with letting people not “stick around”

I spent nearly 100 dollars (all dlc included)

When people are buying /the game for 30% what i spent within 4 months of this game being released.

Not even an apology…


Gun has 30 bullets but no other mods to increase clip ammo or even change the sight… WHAT THE HELL. I hate the iron sight…

Also his voice lines seem just like Dutch 2025. Then again I did not play much with him to be sure. I just hit CTRL and used some of them.

As of now I am seriously hopping the gun thing is a bug.

It says Mud Damge Resist. :P

I am really curious what that even means lol!

Please tell me they ripped voice lines from the movie

ok so he have less damage when he is mud, hipfire damage, and max stamina


same VO as 2025…just certain ones…obviously not the old man one.

You take less damage from the mud that you apply to your body. :D

Seems to be a few more lines now (“you picked the wrong one to keep alive” or something I just had winning a match) they likely held back on for this DLC but mudding up etc. is the same

I get the reasoning on the gun being fairly basic though it’s from 87 lol

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yeah but for him itsquit specific so idk how much damage and negate on him :'c

Wait so no new voice lines.
I’ve been an Illfonic defender but that seems lazy

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The line with you picked the wrong one to keep alive is old, the 2025 Dutch had it just as well.

And this gun will be free in two weeks…so my friend, what exactly did your money get you except for a funky looking skin?

watch the stat its not a simple skin.

When people are rushing to buy this DLC in droves, even after the absolute fuckery that ensued over the weekend, do you think they even care at this point? It’s all about the money honey, nothing else matters.

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